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Have you exercised today?

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Originally Posted by LisaG View Post
OMG Julie...I've NEVER been so sore in my ENTIRE life. I cried Saturday cause it hurt so so so bad!!!! It was horrible! I'm going to suck it up and do it again though. It has to get better. Good Luck at your boot camp tonight!
Wow, that is really sore. That does not sound like fun. The worst is when you have to go to the bathroom, I dread it because my legs and butt hurt so much that it kills to actually sit on the toilet. And then getting up, wow I hurt just thinking about it.
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I went to my boot camp tonight, she just keeps making it harder, I guess that is a good thing, but it nevers feels like I am getting better. Especially with the running, I am not a good runner at all. Anyway, I think I will feel the pain tomorrow, but it was a good thing. Only 3 more classes left, it makes me a little sad actually, I really like it a lot.

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You guys are kickin' serious booty!!!!



I have been gone and then sick so I'm just back to working out this week. I did 30 minutes on the rowing maching at home yesterday and 45 minutes on the stairstepper today. I am still the same weight which makes me happy bc I haven't worked out. I just need to keep at this weight for 2 months!!


My first wedding dress fitting is tomorrow - thank god I have my spanks!

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Originally Posted by LALA View Post
You guys are kickin' serious booty!!!!

I have been gone and then sick so I'm just back to working out this week. I did 30 minutes on the rowing maching at home yesterday and 45 minutes on the stairstepper today. I am still the same weight which makes me happy bc I haven't worked out. I just need to keep at this weight for 2 months!!

My first wedding dress fitting is tomorrow - thank god I have my spanks!
Your kidding me right, cause you look amazing. You do not need spanks. I think you are doing a great job and its awesome that you took time off and did not gain any weight, that means you are doing it right and have more muscle and a higher metabolism now so you are burning more calories at rest. smile29.gif
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WTG girls!!!


I went to my boot camp class last night. It's getting a little easier. I also ran 2 1/2 miles this a.m....in the rain =( It sucked, but we were a neighborhood over when it started so we ran fast to hurry home. When I got home a transformer blew and I had to take a shower in the dark, put my makeup on in the car (in the driveway) and blow dry my hair at work....Happy Wednesday!

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Originally Posted by LisaG View Post
WTG girls!!!

I went to my boot camp class last night. It's getting a little easier. I also ran 2 1/2 miles this a.m....in the rain =( It sucked, but we were a neighborhood over when it started so we ran fast to hurry home. When I got home a transformer blew and I had to take a shower in the dark, put my makeup on in the car (in the driveway) and blow dry my hair at work....Happy Wednesday!
lol, sorry Lisa, but that is pretty darn funny. I would totally have not done my make-up and would have put my hair in a pony tail, so I think its so funny the lenghts you went to to get ready. lol I love it. What us women do.

I am glad your boot camp is getting easier, I wish mine was, she just pushes us harder and harder. I guess that is what she is supposed to do.
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James thought I was a freak for trying as hard as I did...lol! I tried to do make-up by candle light but it wasn't working out for me =)


You know, I wish my boot camp got harder. I guess that's one down fall to the class only being $10 and anyone can join at anytime. We had 4 new ladies come that basically sucked and he was having to hand hold them. Sucked! So it wasn't as intense as I'd like for it to be. Oh well. I still got a great workout in!

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