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Have you exercised today?

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Originally Posted by jilly76 View Post
I did turbo jam on saturday and turbo sculpt yesterday. Nothing today (I know bad) but I was so busy I had no time, but I will tomorrow, promise! And I'll work extra hard!
That is awesome Jill. I did nothing all weekend, unless you count dancing at a wedding? lol But I was really hung over on Sunday and I ate really super badly.

I did okay today for eating, but was too tired to work out. I have boot camp tomorrow night.
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Originally Posted by LALA View Post
I did 50 minutes on the stairclimber this morning. I was a sweaty mess!! Anyway, today was my weigh in day for WW and I'm down about 2.5 - 3 lbs from last monday. I'm trying to stick to 2 lbs a week so I have to make sure I'm not starving myself.
Kate that is awesome!!! Congratulations, I wish I could lose 3 lbs.
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I did 35 min on eliptical and 10 on treadmill at 11 incline; 30 min "push" weights and 10 min abs.


I gained back what feels like a few lbs after having a few mini "binges" over the last week since I was really sick with flu bug which was a bi-product of my hangover.


Now I'm back to it with goal for a few more pounds/more toned and still 5 meals/day is working well.


Great job Kate on 3 lbs in one week! Goodness be careful or you'll just waste right away......rofl.gif


Everyone else....GREAT WORK! smile123.gif

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I went to bootcamp tonight. I swear it gets harder everytime. Isn't it supposed to get easier? Oh well, I am so proud of myself for doing it all. I was not feeling too hot at the beginning, stomach issues, but I toughed it out and did the whole thing and did a pretty good job. I have boot camp again on Thursday and I plan to hit the gym on Friday and Sunday as well.

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Originally Posted by LisaG View Post
You girls are awesome!

I ran yesterday morning 2 1/2 miles then James and I went to the gym last night and I did chest and tri's....so sore today!
Thats awesome Lisa!! Its great you go to the gym together! So much support that way!
I cheated and weighed myself today, and Ive lost another pound! So now I am down 4lbs in 1.5 weeks! Im so excited!!!cheer2.gif
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