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FI vent :(


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Mike did help me make the STDs. (which I still need to post pictures of...)


It was funny though. His quote was "I get to do the fun puchy-out part! I'm not doing any of that ribbon shit or licking envelopes!" Moral of the story--give him something to do with tools! Even if it is a crafty tool!

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He definitely won't do the crafts stuff and nor will I make him do it if I want it to come out nice.. haha j/k It's just like pulling teeth to talk wedding planning. I've given him tasks and he does them but I just wish he'd be more enthusiastic about it.. His thing is "every girl dreams of their wedding day.. he doesn't want to get in the way of that". Still sucks though.

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I get irritated with my FI too because sometimes I feel like he doesn't EVER think about the wedding! I feel like I think about it 24/7 and when I come up with what I think is a great idea...he doesn't like it! So then I get mad and yell at him, then he gets mad back and says, "You ask me what I think and when I tell you, you get mad!" But I swear 95% of the things I have shown him...he says he doesn't like! I told him that I understand that he doesn't like some things, but he could at least have an alternate idea/option to put on the table! Grrr...MEN!!!

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Originally Posted by DougsGirl View Post
Haha, you might be lucky! A lot of us have had issues with their input, it doesn't exactly match up with what we want, etc. Hopefully you can get him to join in tho. I know with Doug, he doesn't have a lot to say about it all, so when he does have an opinion on something, I kinda have to give in to it even if it's not my idea of perfect.

I have to completley agree.... my FI is pretty much giving me free reign to do what I want (which I'm not complaining about!). However, when he does have an opinion it's usually not exactly what I was going for... but I have to find some way to incorporate it because he finally said something. :)
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We had this argument about a million times when we were planning. I was planning our wedding, working and working freelance on the side at the time. I wanted to kill him! I am trying to think of anything that he did for the wedding and I'm coming up empty. He did help me pick the invites. Oh wait I remember! I left him mostly in charge of the music. It was almost a total disaster! The person who was supposed to create a playlist for us totally flaked out and actually even cancelled coming to the wedding at the last minute. Luckily I had already hired us a DJ to run the ipod so we had to change it to him running the music. Then the unreliable friend ended up coming and Dan didn't get the music from him until the DAY OF the wedding! And THEN the iPod died mid-reception. Thank god we already had teh DJ in place who was able to pick up the slack and play his own music.


So the lesson here is maybe if he's totally not interested you might be better off leaving him out of it!


P.S. and if it was up to him we would have been wearing army shorts at our wedding! No, I am not kidding. Yes, he actually thought this was a great idea.

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Originally Posted by xJuicyJx View Post
His thing is "every girl dreams of their wedding day.. he doesn't want to get in the way of that". Still sucks though.
Translation: He doesn't want to do anything. That's just not fair. I'd understand a little if he didn't want a wedding or anything that's being planned, but if he wants this (even if he doesn't), he needs to get off his tush. I know I would be wondering if he is going to be this way throughout your marriage...."I know how every girl dreams of being a Mom so I don't want to get in the way of that by feeding the kid". That's really frustrating.
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