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these people are crazy


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Originally Posted by cheese_diva View Post
I'm really proud of those bikers.. they call themselves the Patriot Guard Riders. I think what they do is so great. Sometimes they rev their bike engines so people can't hear the protesters' shouts.

Motorcycle Club Blocks Protesters
How cool is that? Now that's making noise for a good cause!
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Originally Posted by LC_Rachel View Post
So if Reno/LV is sinful, why this funeral? Because it made national news? Tons of people are buried every day there- that makes no sense.

So this is the first I have heard of this story (I must be in a moving bubble and can't watch tv). Have they had any type of ID on this guy? So scary! I hope they get this resolved soon.

My heart goes out to the family of the girl. I can't imagine trying to grieve when you have @ssholes protesting her funeral. That's just sickening.
Rachel, they have the person's DNA but they have to find someone to match it with first. They have the FBI as well as two local agencies on the case (we have a sherrif's department and a city police department in reno).
Also they church did not mention Las Vegas at all (which is 9 hours away from Reno). They merely mentioned Reno and its police department in the memo they sent out.
The police have issued a description and some details about the possible suspect but at this point its very general and could be a lot of people, like drives a large truck or SUV (umm everyone in Reno drives a truck or SUV). I know that they are working on this case day and night and truly believe in the RPD and know they will find this person. Like Jessica and I mentioned, the hardest thing for the people in town is that this is not something that has ever happened in Reno, its a very small town in many ways and people are like family there. Half the streets are named after families that are still there, weird I know but its my home and I am so devastated that someone could terrorize my hometown.
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I've been to Reno a lot. I grew up in Southern Oregon so it was only a 4 hr drive for us. Played a lot of softball there! Very sad indeed.


I'm not sure if you are familiar with the story but Oregon State Univ. had a girl get kidnapped and was never found. I believe they have a suspect in custody but I'm not sure if he was ever convicted for the murder. In the fall, another Oregon State student was attacked by a man when she was walking to her car. She was able to fight him off and proved some information to the police dept. My sister attends OSU so it was a very scary time- especially since she has a few night classes. Some campuses REALLY need to figure out a way to make them safer. I walked my sisters campus with her during her frosh orientation and I even remarked then how many large bushes/lack of lighting made the campus truly unsafe at night.


I hope they find this guy! It's terrifying when horrible crimes like these happen anywhere- but they especially rock small communities to the core.

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Rachel, I am so sorry that happened at OSU.

I spoke with my dad this afternoon and he said that the bikers were out before when a soldiers funeral in Reno was being protested by these people, so he assumed that the bikers would be out again for the funeral of Brianna. I guess the people of the church are only planning to send women and when they were there before they said that the police were doing nothing to protect them which is why they are so pissed at Reno.

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