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Anyone doing "Get Ready Packages" instead of OOT Bags?

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Hi Guys,

I need some advice. I wanted to do OOT bags for my guests. However, I have decided not to because everyone is staying a various hotels in the Nassau/Paradise Island, Bahamas area. I thought it would be easier to just give out "get ready packages" a few weeks before the wedding. But I am not sure what to do or what put in them. Any ideas? Suggestions? Anyone else doing this for their wedding?






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Ooh, haven't heard about Get Ready Packages, they sound like a great idea though. I would think a lot of similar things could be included like sun lotions, medicine packets, location maps or books. For my invites I'm sending real luggage tags, but that would be fun for these. How about passport covers, T-shirt with your logo or other fun travel theme, music cd with fun music from your location, sunglasses, flip flops, gel candle with seashells; pretty much anything beachy themed.

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I originally bought bags for OOT, then decided they would become "get ready packages"... they got too big and too much of a pain to take to Mexico. I have a beach bag, beach towel for the snorkel trip we're taking everyone on, the meds, eco-sunblock the mexican government makes you use when in the water around the reefs (its biodegradable or something), sudoku books for the plane ride, etc. I have seen similar packages sent by someone else on here and they had some tequila and their favorite margarita recipe in there... maybe you could do this with rum and a bahama mama recipe?...

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I am still debating whether my OOT will turn into "get ready bags". I love the idea of having something to surprise guests when they arrive... but am worried about being able to pack everything to get it down there. Either way I think the bags will have most of the same stuff.... meds, sunscreen, snacks, games (maybe even more so if given ahead of time for the plane), travel mugs... Plus I really like the idea of luggage tags given before hand. It might even be nice for the guests to have them before time so they don't double pack things.

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I think alot of girls are hand delivering or giving their "oot" bags before the trip... does that constitute as a get ready bag?

Im doing both. I am sending these cute little travel bags to take on the plane a few weeks before the wedding. Its stuff like socks, toothbrush, night masks, plastic bag for their liquids, dramamine, advil, etc. My guest will be doing some serious traveling to get to Fiji...

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I guess this is what I'm doing since i'm handing out my OOT bags about a month before we leave. I'm making CDs with songs to get people excited about going away and than putting mostly all stuff that would go in an OOT bag like tylenol, pepto, luggage tags, spanish for dummies books, stadium cups with our logos, etc. I'm going to make a little packet with the hotel info like restaurants, dress codes, travel regulations, etc. I purchased so much stuff for my bags that it's just easier for me to deliver them before we leave, instead of carrying them down with me. I'm probably going to have enough stuff to carry down.

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I'm doing a little of both too. Beforehand, we're sending luggage tags, a cd of reggae music, a carry-on liquids kit (quart ziplock with 3oz bottles in it), and a rundown of the guests with photos of them and a little bio so that everyone can become a little familiar with each other before we go. Then, I'm doing the big OOT bag with lots of goodies for the actual trip.

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  • 2 years later...

I'm so doing the before thing now ! Mines is tricky because some people are traveling by plane and some cruise and 1/2 of the people already live in Bahamas (which I have to come up with a way to give them oot/getting ready favors minus the things they don't need - I'm thinking of driving by before the wedding so I don't leave anyone out at the actual wedidng... Thanks guys!

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