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Picking up Dress Today..should I take it home?

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Okay so my mom and sister are coming down today and we are going to pick up my dress. Well I have known we were going to do this for weeks but I am a scatter brain and I forgot to call and make an appointment at the salon.


So of course they are booked and I won't be able to try it on there so I told them I would just pay for it and then take it home and they sounded like I was a weirdo for doing that??


Should I be leaving it there? I don't see why? I'm not hiding the dress from FI (he already saw a picture...I can't keep secrets!) and it was ordered a size bigger plus I lost weight, so it won't fit good which is why i don't see why a "fitting" is necessary.


Am I a wierdo for taking it home with me today??

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No, unless they usually just keep it there to make it easier on storing it for you or something. I took mine home the day I bought it, I was freaked out they would lose it or something. So I understand. I'm assuming you're going to schedule an appt for fitting when you have your alterations done, right? That should be soon given that your just a few months away!

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I asked the same question when I got the call that my dress came in. I thought I'd pay for it then take it home because there was about a month btwn the time it came in & my 1st alterations appt. Thats when I found out that they keep it in the store until all the alterations are done & you've had your final fitting. So I guess it's really up to you. If you don't mind having it in the house then bring it home. If it's gonna take up some space then you may as well leave it there until your 1st fitting.


Oh, when it comes in they like you to try it on 1st I guess to give them an idea of exactly what needs to be done before the 1st fitting. I thought that it was silly to try it on, then come back for my 1st fitting appt the following week. But thats what I did.

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You are NOT a weirdo, silly girl! Do you have any pets at home? And also do you have a safe place to store it? Just making sure... you don't want ANYTHING happenning to your dress. I stored mine with my alterations lady until the day before we left. I didn't trust my cat. lol

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