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I need your advice - I don't know whether to scream or cry! (long - sorry!)

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Hi Ladies!


I'm so glad we're back up because I'm just beside myself trying to figure out what to do...


FI and I went and had a site visit at the Paradisus and really liked it - we left them with two requests - (1) use of the french restaurant for dinner (2) ability to put children in their "Royal Service" (the upgraded, nicer rooms, which are adults only) since we would have more than enough rooms to book an entire 20-room building (theory being that if its just us, who cares if kids are in the rooms/building).


They promised us a response the week after we returned. And we didn't get one. In fact, the only thing we heard was that they were working on it - and only in response to my requests for answers.


Last Thursday I gave up and handed everything of to my TA. And she must have gone all monkey-crazy (go TA go!), because we got an answer - NO. To both requests.


I was so distraught. Frankly, I could have lived without the kids in the rooms, but the dinner in the french restaurant was a deal-breaker. We want to have dinner in an air-conditioned space (it's HOT in August, and FI's family aren't al fresco dining people to begin with.) All of the other restaurants have something non-condusive for hosting a wedding dinner (rooms oddly divided, no A/C, etc.) and the conference rooms have no windows and have that classic "welcome-to-the-tropics" musty smell.


Not surprisingly I was up all night exploring all alternatives - the DR, bahamas, other hotels in the RM... and crying. I just want the location of my wedding set!!! So frustrated. But I found a couple of options that would work - Azul Beach (on a second choice date), and the Gran Porto Real.


Well, yesterday morning, TA to the rescue again - she called, explained that they needed to reconsider the restaurant or we were walking... finally last night at 8:00 PM I get an e-mail from the hotel saying that yes, we can use the restaurant, but... we have to pare down the menu and they are going to charge us an additional $80 per person.


Needless to say, I'm still frustrated. I don't mind the surcharge, but the extent to which we have to pare down the menu is frustrating. And I'm frustrated in that it took them TWO WEEKS to come back to us. And now, I'm also concerned that every little request we make between now and August is going to be just as difficult.


So (yes, finally, I'm getting to the point), what do you guys think? Stay with the Paradisus and recognize that they are going way outside their usual protocol to accomodate us, clearly want us there and it was our first choice anyway. Or ditch it as too hard and go with one of the backup locations?


Any thoughts you have would be so appreciated!

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Becks I feel so bad for you and am really surprised that they have been soo ridiculously slow to respond. In terms of the Royal Service, we also looked into that and got the same answer which I totally understnad given that the RS includes use of an adults-only pool etc. so.


It is such a tough decision. I may be bias but I say stick to the Paradisus - I think any resort you pic will have restrictions - with respect to food etc. The thing about the extra 80 pp is you get a major reduction on that if you book a group rate with the hotel.


Just a thought... Did you think about having a late dinner (when's it's cooler) and having it on the Tequila Terrace?

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Hi there. I am sorry to hear that you are going through all of this. There have been several girls on here who sound like they have had a great experience at the Paradisus. I was to be married there this April, but in November we went there for a planning visit and we just had a lot of issues, mostly service-wise, which caused us to move the wedding to another resort. We just felt that they were not "on top" of things (similar to things that you have mentioned) and with our guests spending so much $$ to come we just couldn't justify going someplace that we weren't sure that they would be taken care of. Again, with that said, there are several girls who had great experiences. I am a Director of Operations at a hotel and am just a tough traveler with high expectations. My advice would be to lay out your expecatations directly to the WC, tell her why you are disappointed with the slow response, that you would like for her to make you feel more comfortable with booking the resort, and see what her response is. That should help to understand whether they will be willing to work with you give you a great stay. Good luck!

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Well Im sorry that things arent working out as you had hoped, but honestly I think you are going to find trouble in some way or another wherever you go. It seems a lot of hotels have dining restrictions and I can see why they wouldnt want children in certain areas. I say if you love the place and dont mind the surcharge then stick to the resort. But if it really bothers you then I say shop around and see what the rules are at other resorts. Best of luck!!

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Gosh Becks I don't know! As others mentioned there can be problems anywhere and your resort does get good feedback from what I recall. For us all planning requests/inquiries were handled promptly and courteously. There was no arguing or negotiating ever, so I want to say run at the first sign of trouble, but maybe I'm biased. No help here, but try to go with your gut and good luck :o)

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Well unfortunately I can see why they're slow to respond.. your wedding isn't until August and they have many weddings to deal with between now and then. It was the same way with Dreams Cabo.. at least at first. They tend to respond more a few months out.


Also paring down the menu really makes sense for you and your guests. If you let people order from a standard menu it will take FOREVER to get all your guests orders in (especially with people moving around) and then for the kitchen to be able to serve everyone at the same time would be almost impossible. You'll be able to pick a few favorites and your guests will never think anything of it.


Many of us were frustrated at the lack of response at the start of our planning.

If you loved the resort and you found reviews favorable I would stick with your initial gut feeling and book your date.. there will always be little frustrations but overall it's all about your attitude that guests will respond to.

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It sounds like you've got a great TA who isn't afraid to go to bat for you. Has she suggested any other options for resorts that she would highly recommend? I'm sure she can guide you, plus you've also started on the right track by asking for help on the forum. If you're having children at the wedding that definitely excludes some resorts. Deciding on which resort was also my daughter's hardest decision. Once that's done, the rest is cake! Good luck!

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First off I am so sorry you have to go through this. It is just wrong.


I agree with the others and go with your gut feeling. I know we always want instant answers, but unfortunately we don't get them. If you are in love with the resort go for it, if you are iffy then move on.


Whatever decision you make will be the right one.

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