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It's what they don't say that irks me....


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Okay - I know that I am the only one obsessed with my wedding. I am just mad that I just called my aunt to ask for my cousin (her daugher)'s address.


She said she didn't have her address, but gave me her phone number. Okay - cool - whatever. Then she asked me what I was sending out. I told her it was the STD cards for my wedding. She was like oh, yeah, that's nice. THAT'S IT!!


I don't expect her or anyone else to be over the moon, but I told her (in a somewhat excited voice) that we had went to PV in November and had a wonderful time, checked out the hotel and couldn't wait to get back. I swear...all I heard on her end was crickets! Not - "Oh, I hope we can go, Oh yeah, we're trying to see if we can make it"...nothing!


To date - ALL of my FI's family are going, and NONE of my dad's family are coming. It just irks me. Her response (or lack thereof) is totally expected. I just didn't expect to hear the lack of enthusiasm right to my face. Oh well - I see where I sit with them. My dad's family just gets under my skin.


My dad's siblings (all 8 of them) are close, but they are not close to me & my sisters. I think they are haters. The funny thing is, the woman that raised me and robbed my dad blind (they ultimately divorced when I was 21) - they are closer to her daughters than they are to us! None of that "blood is thicker than water" in my family!


I just want to scream! It's no use in saying anything to my dad because he always goes to their rescue. Sometimes I could just disown my family. I am so blessed to have my FI and his family. His grandmother and aunt came over Saturday and offered to help with everything! His aunt offered to help with getting stuff for my OOT bags, his Grandmother said she would pay for the wedding cake and they offered to ship or take stuff down with them, make flower arrangements and whatever else we need from them. I think they are my little angels that were given to me to make up for the screwed up biological family that I got dealt with.


You know - an hour before I talked to my aunt, my FI's mom called and said that their friends who we met on our last PV visit said they wanted to come to the wedding and wanted our TA's number. I was so happy to hear that. These are complete strangers we spent three days with. They are ready to hop on a plane and share our day with us. I was on cloud nine when she told me that they were coming.


I know....you can pick your friends but not your family.


Thanks all for letting me rant! I feel much better!

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You poor thing!! Thank goodness your FI's family is so supportive! I don't know why people have to act like having a DW is a bad thing! WAKE UP people! That is why we are here - to make you feel better - I know it sucks that your dad's family are all being so uninvolved but just remember when you guys are soaking up the sun and saying your vows by the ocean breeze they will be a flittering thought in your mind! Hope this helps!

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I'm so sorry you are going through this! We've all said this, but having a destination wedding really shows people's true colors. Sometimes the best families are the ones we choose for ourselves. Hang in there and try not to let people being stupid get you down :)

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I'm sorry sad.gif I kind of feel the same way in that my family does not seem very excited about my wedding. It makes me really sad. FI's family asks about it all the time but my Grandparents who I am sooo close to rarely do.


It's just a sticky situation but try and keep your head up and focused on the people who are joining you in your celebration (like those ppl you met on your trip - how cool is that?!). muscle.gif

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Aww Yadi, I think it is jealousy. Not that I know your are Mexican, I can say that you know that is a problem in our culture. Instead of praising, we put each other down or don't show support (or at least this is what I learned in my Chicano Studies class at UCLA, lol).


I think they'll come around, but even if they don't, at least you'll have an amazing group of people who are excited to see you get married (FI fam).



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I'm sorry you're dealing with this cr*p. Families are so odd sometimes. You'd think that people would be excited to go somewhere fabulous for your wedding. And yet...


I hope it all works out, and they come and have a great time and everyone gets along famously and relationships tighten because of all this. But if they don't, be glad; because if they don't want to be there, they'll just be grumpy and miserable.


Big hugs! You can always invite us! We'll be happy to come and celebrate with you!

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