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Big Brother 9 ...


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Originally Posted by monicabrandon2008 View Post
I agree I would like to see Ryan or Sheila win. I don't really LIKE any of them but if I had to choose. Ryan seems very nice so I like that about him. I googled Sheila Kennedy and saw some of her old penthouse pictures. LOL She was beautiful but you can definitely tell it was the 80's.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion... but WHY would you want Sheila to win?!! I mean, honestly... she's a nut job! She's always on the fence, she has yet to win a competition, she's selfish and backstabs EVERYONE, yet thinks she's always the victim... I could go on and on, but I'm curious to know why you think she deserves to win?
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OMG you guys, I had to miss BB last night because we don't have cable yet in the new house. My hubby was very disappointed also...


Any hoo...where have I been? I didn't know Sheila had been in penthouse! Wow. I do not want her to win because she is such a crazy bipolar weirdo. I don't know if that's considered "strategy" or what, but I don't like how she's such a fence sitter & has never won a damn thing.


I'm not sure if I have a favorite at this point...but I think I might be rooting for Ryan at this point.

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