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Hi Kate!

I have not officially decided on a location, but Playa Fiesta is at the top of my list. IMO, it is the perfect location. Every pic I have seen has been gorgeous! (BTW, I added some pics to the gallery of some pics I found from someone who stayed there!) Have you done a site visit with them or did you pick it site unseen? I would love to hear what you have to say about your plans and ideas!


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Originally Posted by WSUgal View Post
Hi Kate!
I have not officially decided on a location, but Playa Fiesta is at the top of my list. IMO, it is the perfect location. Every pic I have seen has been gorgeous! (BTW, I added some pics to the gallery of some pics I found from someone who stayed there!) Have you done a site visit with them or did you pick it site unseen? I would love to hear what you have to say about your plans and ideas!
Thank you, everyone, for such a warm welcome! WSUgal, we didn't do a site visit with PF - booked site unseen. I pretty much fell in love with the place online, and once I read reviews for it, etc, our decision was made! We've done a full resort takeover - this brings the prices down for each guest but also means we have to fill all 30 rooms. Since our wedding isn't for awhile, we don't think this will be a proble. You can also do a partial takeover (at least 18 rooms), as you may know.

For us, it has everything that we wanted: privacy (since it is just our guests there for the whole time), a dedicated event planner (Lindsay is wonderful), fun events that we could do with family and friends for the week (we bought a Dinner and Entertainment pack), and beautiful accomodations. However, it is definitely going to cost us more than if we had gone with a different resort.

Anyway, let me know if you have any questions...I'll do my best to answer! Good luck in picking your site!!!

Take care, Kate
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