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Dreams Punta Cana Brides

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So this is my first post and I just wanted to say THANK YOU!!! I came across this site at the beginning of the week and had to read everything.  I have learned so much and such great ideas.  I must say I have been getting worried because I am getting married Sep. 27 at Dreams, and I know they are super busy but I emailed them over a month and a half ago and no response.  I have even had to get my travel agency involved because she was getting answers faster then I was.  So here come the questions I hope you guys don't mind.

1- We have choosen the Dreams of Love Package.  And we had heard that you have to pay for extra for the bartender during the reception is this true?  If so can we just get our own drinks, since it is all inclusive?

2-  Is it worth it to upgrade to preferred club when we get there?

3- Is Bordeaux Terrace the best place to go for a small group with a great view, and can you dance there?

4- How does the shuttle service work, I was told it was included with our trip and pretty much everyone is coming in on Saturday (we only have about 16 total people coming, including me and my fiance)

5- My aunt is vegan, does anyone know if they can accommodate a vegan meal?

6- We are having a beach wedding and were planning on going barefoot, but do they put a runner or anything down for you to walk on?


PS-  I love all of the pictures I have seen you guys look beautiful, and you all have put me at ease in our choice to have our wedding at Dreams.

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So first off THANK YOU so much!!!! I stumbled upon this website and you guys have been so helpful.  This is my first time posting I started reading all of these post at the beginning of the week and figured it was time for me to post.  My fiancé and I are getting married September 27 at 4pm at Dreams and we are super excited.  Neither of us wanted a huge wedding so we have about 15 people total including me and my fiancé, and we figured getting married on the beach was perfect for us.  We are trying to keep our budget down since we are having a huge reception for everyone when we get home. 


But I have been worried I know it is a busy season but I emailed my WC over a month and a half ago and nothing.  We finally had to get out travel agent involved as she was getting responses back and we werenâ€t.  So now here comes the questions, I hope you guys donâ€t mind…


1- We have selected the Dreams of Love Package and we were curious about the reception dinner.  I have heard different things about having to pay for a bartender, is this true?  If so, can we not just get our own drinks from the bar since it is all inclusive?

2- Is the Bordeaux Terrace the best place for our reception, small and intimate with a great view, and dancing allowed?  I have not booked this spot yet as I have not been in contact with my WC.

3- We were thinking about bringing our IPod and dock station, will that be enough sound or should we rent speakers as well?

4- Is there only one spot for the beach ceremony? 

5- To pay off the wedding when we get there, I believe I read you can use a credit card?

6- Shuttle service, I was told it was included by our travel agent.  We have everyone coming in on Saturday, within a few hours I believe so I was wondering how it would work. 

7- My aunt is vegan do they accommodate for that as well during the reception dinner?


PS-  I have enjoyed all the pictures, everyone is gorgeous.  I canâ€t wait to get in my dress.  If anyone has pictures of the beach wedding and Bordeaux Terrace I would love to see them.  Thanx again everyone.

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Yes, please send me photos!  [email protected]   Thanks!

Originally Posted by alykay View Post

Thanks and you must be so excited to leave in 2 days, probably nervous too.

I got married on a Wednesday and they had 3 ladies who did hair,

they told us we could only may 3 appointments on the hour so 

i had three at 1pm, 3 at 2 pm and 3 at 3pm, my wedding started at 4pm so the 3pm appt i gave to my mom in law, and two cousins who were not in the wedding but just guests. They do the hairstyles quite fast but a tip, take a photo or photos of styles u like or have an idea of what u want and that way it will make it easier.....my cousin got married on monday there and they had three ladies on monday.

I also suggest u go and and talk to the salon as soon as u arrive adn try to sort it out with them, they are very accommodating....

btw take lots of bug spray, we ran out and we took 2 bottles, there are lots and lots of bugs there and the resort store is very expensive to  buy from. .....also try to take a list of where u want people seated at ur reception a table layout plan to give ur wedding cordinator and a guest list for the numbers.....she asked me for that and im very organized but somehow i didnt find it in my paper work.....


who ever wants to see pics give me your email address and i will send you some.....or give me your name on fb and i will add you, as im on private setting on fb so u wont find me....



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Hi Mel!

Welcome! :) This forum is great and you learn SO much being on here, especially since it can be so difficult getting questions answered by the WC. Have you read through all of the posts yet? Your bartender is included with your reception- the only thing is I believe one of the terraces (I think Himitsu) you share your bartender with the people in the restaurant. The Bordeaux terrace is now called Portofino Terrace and holds up to 40 people. A lot of people like it for the view of the ocean, but the only drawback is if it rains, your reception gets moved into the restaurant, and there won't be any music or dancing allowed. If you go back in the posts you will see pictures of all three terraces. I am not sure about the iPod dock station- I guess it depends on how loud it is and how many people you are having. Most people here get the speakers (also frees up more room in your suitcase) or they go with DJ Mannia. Yes, you pay for the wedding with your credit card. I heard you get the bill as you are getting ready. I was told that they do have a vegan option (which we had to be concerned about too) as well as meals for kids. I don't know about the shuttle service yet since we aren't going through a TA, but I'm sure other girls on here can answer that for you!

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