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Dreams Punta Cana Brides

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hey ladies! im back!

I came home on Thursday and my wedding was Oct 22. Everything was perfect! I can honestly look back on the wedding day and not take back or wish it was different in any way. I'm not really going to do a review, I'm just going to share with you guys some information you might find useful.


When we arrived, I had a messege on my voicemail in the room from Deyanira telling me my appt with her was the next day (which i found convenient that i didnt have to call her).


The meeting went really well and she is so sweet! she is having a baby in January I think! There were 3 other weddings going on that friday and noone had picked which location they wanted the reception at yet, so I had first choice. I was dead set on having it on the Bordeaux Terrance. She told me that the downfall of the Bordeaux was that the rain is sooo unpredictable so incase it was to rain, the reception would have to be taken inside the restaurant and we would not be able to have music in that instance. That made me really nervous about picking the Bordeaux, but I finally decided to just go with it because the view is amazing and afterall it is my wedding and I should get what I want right?! It ended up NOT raining, it was so beautiful up there and since it was by the ocean the breeze felt soo nice! Also to point out, the sun sets towards the front of the resort, the moon rises by the ocean, which was beautiful because it was also full that night!! And we also had plenty of room for dancing! (I had 24 guests). Bordeaux also has its own built in bar, where as the Himitsu doesnt (they set up a table instead).


The ceremony was at 4pm on the beach with the Huppah which I had decorated with the linens and flowers, the aisle was also lined with palm. I made this decision after looking through a very detailed photo book they had during our meeting.

The breeze felt sooo nice that there was NO need for the fans I brought.

My bridesmaids and I walked down to "Somewhere over the rainbow" from 50 first dates, which Deyanira had on an ipod. She recommended that I do not have the caribbean trio walk me down because I get a full hour with them with my package and it would be more useful to have the during the cocktail hour, which I was very happy with.  Originally, the wedding ceremony was going to be at 6pm, but after researching the sun set times I switched it to 4pm so my photos wouldnt be dark. This meant that I wouldnt have the judge during the ceremony. Well guess what?! An hour before the wedding Deyanira told me the judge would be there just shortly after 4pm! So the wedding started a little later, but we luckily got the judge during our ceremony! She performed the ceremony in spanish and Deyanira translated for her, and after our vows we signed the paperwork.


I don't remember the name of the girl who did my hair, but she did a great job with both my hair and makeup. I had no pictures, I just told her in general how I would like it and she gave me suggestions.


The resort photographer was soo fun to work with by the way! We had a great time taking our pictures and I'm more than happy with the way the turned out!!


Dinner was amazing, and I recommend choosing the "sancocho" Dominican stew, its like a beef stew as one of ur starters. Since I am dominican, that was the only dominican dish they had on the menu, so I figured what the hell I want my family to try it whether they like it or not. People could not stop talking about it! That was their favorite dish!



Now, besides the wedding day, Dreams is an amazing resort! You can never get bored, the entertainment is amazing! Very clean, polite and corteous staff! During our honeymoon, we traveled all around the island and for 2 nights we stayed in another all inclusive, Barcelo Puerto Plata. That place really showed me how great Dreams is! The staff was rude, it was overrun by kids and locals on vacation and the buffet was teeerrriible!


I HIGHLY recommend trying out the preffered club. I've stayed at Dreams twice, the first time without preffered club, and this time with it. You get a full tour of the resort and then they take you into this really nice airconditioned room where they go into detail about everything the resort has to offer. In this room they have a bar with better liqour, fresh fruit, special towels, bathroom, and computers. Explaining it, it doesn't sound that special but experiencing both parts of it, I will always get preffered anytime I go back.


One bad thing I have to mention about Dreams: they really need to start letting you make reservations at restaraunts. It was a pain in the ass to get everyone to dinner together. You never knew how long the wait would be and sometimes we would have to split our group in half.





Okay so maybe this is a review! HA!

Let me know if you have questions about anything!



Heres pictures:







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Wow Jennifer (cogswellgray)

first off all i have to say you looled stunning in yur photos, loved ur hair and makeup : )

thank you for sharing with us 


so i have lots of questions hehe

i hope u dont mind


ive choosen the bordeaux terrace as well i have more than 40 guests so far but the himitsu is not available for my wedding date so i had no choice but to take the bordeaux

my worry is that it might be too small for that many people. 

did u hire a dj? what did u do for music for ur reception, ive hired dj mannia but im afraid there might not be enough for a dance floor space to dance. the dj was quite expensive about 850.00


what about privacy? while ur having the wedding can patrons going to the restaurant to eat see whats going on at ur reception?


did ur bring ur hair accessories or is that flower thing u had in ur hair from the resort? 


the photos u shared were those taken by the resort photographer, ? i ve choosen the ultimate package and we get 50 free photos but i noticed u had like 130 did u get an upgrade?


how was the video grapher? 


what did u do for ur centrepieces? im having a hard time wiht that? i want to have glass vases but dont know if i can transport them coz they might break, any one have any ideas?


well thats lots of questions thanks any help i can get will be great : )


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Originally Posted by alykay View Post


Wow Jennifer (cogswellgray)

first off all i have to say you looled stunning in yur photos, loved ur hair and makeup : )

thank you for sharing with us 


so i have lots of questions hehe

i hope u dont mind


ive choosen the bordeaux terrace as well i have more than 40 guests so far but the himitsu is not available for my wedding date so i had no choice but to take the bordeaux

my worry is that it might be too small for that many people. 

did u hire a dj? what did u do for music for ur reception, ive hired dj mannia but im afraid there might not be enough for a dance floor space to dance. the dj was quite expensive about 850.00


what about privacy? while ur having the wedding can patrons going to the restaurant to eat see whats going on at ur reception?


did ur bring ur hair accessories or is that flower thing u had in ur hair from the resort? 


the photos u shared were those taken by the resort photographer, ? i ve choosen the ultimate package and we get 50 free photos but i noticed u had like 130 did u get an upgrade?


how was the video grapher? 


what did u do for ur centrepieces? im having a hard time wiht that? i want to have glass vases but dont know if i can transport them coz they might break, any one have any ideas?


well thats lots of questions thanks any help i can get will be great : )




Thank you so much!


Well, I've been told the Bordeaux has a 30 max so double check with your wedding coordinator on that one. Another option is to do your reception on the beach ;-)

They put up a fenced sorta wall which was cute and gave us privacy from those waiting to be seated at the restaurant. I didn't feel like there were many people waiting so I felt there was sufficient privacy. There is a bar downstairs to wait at as well(which is where we would wait whenever we ate at that restaurant).

I didn't have a DJ so I wouldn't be able to help you out on that one. What I'm assuming they would do is move the fenced wall thingy farther over to accomadate more tables and the DJ and have room for dancing. Remember you can make all these decisions when you get there!


I brought my own hair accesorries which I bought from a seller on etsy ;-) They have fresh flowers they could put in your hair though!


We also had the ultimate package and used the resort photograper.

So heres to clarify what you get with that package from my understanding of it: you get the session with the photographer/videographer and you choose 50 photos of the bunch he has taken and edited printed. He offered 2 cd's of the edited and original photos for appx $900 (my mom bartered down to $800, shes a magician). That way I could own all the photos and print them as I wish.


The videographer was there during the ceremony and our video was ready, fully edited, the next day! It came in a dvd case with stills from the video on the front back & on the dvd itself with our names and dates. I loved that they did that! For some reason I wasn't ex[ecting that. The video was really important to me because I felt that people who didnt come could feel like they were there by watching the video. They did a great job!


I didnt do centerpeices. I felt it was unneccesary. I was already toting with my and extra suitcase full of OOT bags and 25 straw fans. She put flowers on the tables for extra money I dont remember how much. Ill attach a picture. It would be nice to maybe have some starfish & shells scattered on the table or something if you want to keep it simple.





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Originally Posted by alykay View Post


Wow Jennifer (cogswellgray)

first off all i have to say you looled stunning in yur photos, loved ur hair and makeup : )

thank you for sharing with us 


so i have lots of questions hehe

i hope u dont mind


ive choosen the bordeaux terrace as well i have more than 40 guests so far but the himitsu is not available for my wedding date so i had no choice but to take the bordeaux

my worry is that it might be too small for that many people. 

did u hire a dj? what did u do for music for ur reception, ive hired dj mannia but im afraid there might not be enough for a dance floor space to dance. the dj was quite expensive about 850.00


what about privacy? while ur having the wedding can patrons going to the restaurant to eat see whats going on at ur reception?


did ur bring ur hair accessories or is that flower thing u had in ur hair from the resort? 


the photos u shared were those taken by the resort photographer, ? i ve choosen the ultimate package and we get 50 free photos but i noticed u had like 130 did u get an upgrade?


how was the video grapher? 


what did u do for ur centrepieces? im having a hard time wiht that? i want to have glass vases but dont know if i can transport them coz they might break, any one have any ideas?


well thats lots of questions thanks any help i can get will be great : )




Thank you so much!


Well, I've been told the Bordeaux has a 30 max so double check with your wedding coordinator on that one. Another option is to do your reception on the beach ;-)

They put up a fenced sorta wall which was cute and gave us privacy from those waiting to be seated at the restaurant. I didn't feel like there were many people waiting so I felt there was sufficient privacy. There is a bar downstairs to wait at as well(which is where we would wait whenever we ate at that restaurant).

I didn't have a DJ so I wouldn't be able to help you out on that one. What I'm assuming they would do is move the fenced wall thingy farther over to accomadate more tables and the DJ and have room for dancing. Remember you can make all these decisions when you get there!


I brought my own hair accesorries which I bought from a seller on etsy ;-) They have fresh flowers they could put in your hair though!


We also had the ultimate package and used the resort photograper.

So heres to clarify what you get with that package from my understanding of it: you get the session with the photographer/videographer and you choose 50 photos of the bunch he has taken and edited printed. He offered 2 cd's of the edited and original photos for appx $900 (my mom bartered down to $800, shes a magician). That way I could own all the photos and print them as I wish.


The videographer was there during the ceremony and our video was ready, fully edited, the next day! It came in a dvd case with stills from the video on the front back & on the dvd itself with our names and dates. I loved that they did that! For some reason I wasn't ex[ecting that. The video was really important to me because I felt that people who didnt come could feel like they were there by watching the video. They did a great job!


I didnt do centerpeices. I felt it was unneccesary. I was already toting with my and extra suitcase full of OOT bags and 25 straw fans. She put flowers on the tables for extra money I dont remember how much. Ill attach a picture. It would be nice to maybe have some starfish & shells scattered on the table or something if you want to keep it simple.





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hey jennifer your pics look amazing!! thanx for all the info!..now ladies i have a few questions...

did any of you book the 10 room block and was it or is it worth it to do??? and did any of you get any freebies???

also i have a civil ceremony already set for 5 pm but now im looking into the catholic..any of u did a catholic ceremony and did u find it to be a lot of running around??

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Hey Jen,


I've been so MIA lately but I just wanted to poke my head in and say you looked absolutely STUNNING! I didn't know I had another dominican chica here with me! Lol. That amazing tan should've given it away. I'm so happy to here that you're wedding day was magical. My fav picture is #91 and I think #129 is so amazingly funny! Hehehehe. Still laughing about that one. Welcome to the wives club and congrats to your and you hubby! :)

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Originally Posted by jennnyclo View Post

also i have a civil ceremony already set for 5 pm but now im looking into the catholic..any of u did a catholic ceremony and did u find it to be a lot of running around??



I am doing a Catholic wedding (so is Eliana) -- I found it to be A LOT of running around because our priest was an idiot.  We called the first week in June 2010 and I kept calling once a week and he finally responded the first week of August 2010 and he stood us up THREE times --- yes seriously we were frusterated!  What made it worse is that we had a short engagement (only 6 months) so we went ahead with the Pre-Cana without his permission and just said screw it!  So we completed the Foccus survery pretty quickly and had the interview with the priest all within a week's time in September.  We knew it would make both of our families very happy to have a religious ceremony (I am Catholic, FH is Greek Orthodox) but at times it was tempting to throw in the towel!


Good luck and I am sure it is going to be beautiful and memorable whichever avenue you decide!

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