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Dreams Punta Cana Brides

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Originally Posted by beachbum2010 View Post


Hi Ladies..


I have been so busy planning other wedding things - reception, gifts etc...that I completely forgot about the actual ceremony.


I am getting married at DPC on Nov 19, 2010.  I am just wondering what the actual ceremony looks like.  We are getting married at 3pm, and signing the paperwork later with the judge. 


Is there a little speech that the WC says, goes through, are there vows - are they provided by the resort or some to pick from or do we right our own. 


I also wanted to do a sand ceremony - do I have to bring the vases and the sand or does the resort have the ability to provide this.


If anyone is able to provide any info that would be wonderful.


Thanks, Carol


Hey Carol, we just got married there last Monday and we had the symbolic ceremony so we had my brother in law actually officiate the ceremony. We wrote our own vows, had 2 readings by my sister and best man. 


I will tell you at 3pm it is going to be very HOT! They don't even allow the kids in the pool between 12-2 at the Explorer's club because they say that is when the heat is the more severe. We got married at 5:30 and my husband was still sweating.


I forgot my sand ceremony vases and the WC did have vases and sand that we used. I'll try to post some pictures up of the actual ceremony when I get a chance. I have so many non-pro pictures to go through since we saved all of our guests pictures on our laptop while we were there, so I need to really sit down and sort them out and find good ones. Good luck planning :)




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Hey girls -- it's entirely too quiet on here!  Misty -- get working on your review!!!


Our invites went out yesterday, yay!  A lot of people we were not expecting to come have now told us they plan on coming.  I really hope the final count does not exceed 120 people (we originally estimated 100).  We will know for sure in about 6 weeks when all of the RSVPs are due! 


Hm, what else is going on?  Oh yes, if anyone has a Lenox outlet near them and you need gifts for the parents... go to Lenox and get their frames.  The frames I picked were originally $115 and I paid $39 for each.  Fantastic Deal!!!


Ugh, I ordered jewelry rolls and cosmetic cases (they same in a set) as one of the gifts for the bridesmaids... yup... costmetic cases came and jewelry rolls did not.  I called the supplier and the rolls were discontinued but they are refunding the total amount and a I get to keep all of the monogrammed cosmetic cases (blessing in disguise, I guess?).  I think I am just going to get the Coach passport holders and be done with their presents (I got them their shoes, jewelry, Coach wristlet and monogrammed tote already). 


Any ideas for ring bearer gifts?  I cannot think of what to get him!!!


So what is everyone else doing these days?




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Hey lilboltz10,

You are right it has gotten quiet in this group. I believe we are officially in those "dog days of summer" ;)


My wedding date isn't until next May, so we are at the stage of finalizing the Save the Dates and setting the tone for the decor. I've been lucky that my best friend is a corporate event planner, so she has been great about getting me to think about all of the details.


Things are moving along, but the only hard part is that now that we have chosen the resort we are starting to get the push back from guests about the cost. We knew that this could become an issue, since for most people (including ourselves) have found that booking trips a month or two before the departure date is significantly cheaper. At this point, we are just resigned to the fact that people at going to always think that they can 'get a better price' on their own and are happy to have them try to do so. The key thing for us is that our guests are now aware of our wedding date, so as long as they are there for the ceremony they are free to coordinate their own travel arrangements.

Thankfully, my fiance and I are united in the fact that although we would love it if everyone could make it, we are prepared for that fact that their may be those family and friends that won't be able to make it (either as a result of costs, job constraints or other responsibilities). It does kind of suck, but we realize that it comes with the territory once you decide to have destination wedding.


I was hoping that someone on this site could help me out with something, I was wondering if anyone has any photos about the floral arrangements available? Also, I was reading the threads on this site and it looked like there were some additional photos of the El Patio terrace set-up. Would someone be able to send them to me?

Here is my address: [email protected]


Oh, on a side note, my fiance is trying to think about some cool ideas for gifts for his groomsmen. He is the last of his group to get married. What are some of the ideas that your guys are thinking of?





Originally Posted by lilboltz10 View Post

Hey girls -- it's entirely too quiet on here!  Misty -- get working on your review!!!


Our invites went out yesterday, yay!  A lot of people we were not expecting to come have now told us they plan on coming.  I really hope the final count does not exceed 120 people (we originally estimated 100).  We will know for sure in about 6 weeks when all of the RSVPs are due! 


Hm, what else is going on?  Oh yes, if anyone has a Lenox outlet near them and you need gifts for the parents... go to Lenox and get their frames.  The frames I picked were originally $115 and I paid $39 for each.  Fantastic Deal!!!


Ugh, I ordered jewelry rolls and cosmetic cases (they same in a set) as one of the gifts for the bridesmaids... yup... costmetic cases came and jewelry rolls did not.  I called the supplier and the rolls were discontinued but they are refunding the total amount and a I get to keep all of the monogrammed cosmetic cases (blessing in disguise, I guess?).  I think I am just going to get the Coach passport holders and be done with their presents (I got them their shoes, jewelry, Coach wristlet and monogrammed tote already). 


Any ideas for ring bearer gifts?  I cannot think of what to get him!!!


So what is everyone else doing these days?




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Hi Ladies, It's been a while since I posted so I thought I'd update on what I've got done so far :)


Our Invites went out at the end of June, and we've had 6 people book so far.  We've also booked our trip, we'll be at Dreams Punta Cana from February 18th to March 4th and I'm soo excited :D


I ordered my dress in February it came in  June, and when I went to try it on it was way too small, they could hardly zip it up!!! I was soooo upset!!!I started watching what I was eating and running 5kms 3 times a week lost 7lbs and I went back the end of last month and it zipped up, no problems, no alterations are needed except a bustle. But I do need to find new shoes for my dress which sucks because I really loved the heels that I bought, they're only a 3 1/2 inch heel but my dress is too short with them on :( The search is on for a pair of 2 1/2'' fuchsia pink shoe :)


I've also started to get our OOT bags together. so far I've bought the bags, float mats, mini first aid kits, and hand sanitizers. I'll be ordering my mugs probably next month!


Well I think thatâ€s all the updates I have lol.  I Can't wait to read everyoneâ€s reviews!!!

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Sherri,\I will measure the fuschia shoes that  bought and wore ONCE. LOL  What size foot are you?


Jen- you know what, it does suck when people can't make it.  It's awful in fact, but something kind of funny happens in the process... you will ALSO see how much people care for you and how far they are willing to go to participate in your special day!  :)  I was very humbled by that fact, even though my group wasn't huge (20 in total).


As far as the arrangement flowers, they are on my other computer, but hopefully someone can get them to you!  For the groomsmen, B bought them engraved flasks and sunglasses, so that they all had the same for the pictures.  It turned out to be a great idea, and looked awesome!

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Oh, on a side note, my fiance is trying to think about some cool ideas for gifts for his groomsmen. He is the last of his group to get married. What are some of the ideas that your guys are thinking of?







Jenn -- I actually just ordered the Flip Camcorder for the groomsmen.  My FH wanted to get them something "non-generic" since he has something like 5 flasks that his buddies gave him.  My FH and I have been very generous with our gifts for our guests and our wedding party gifts because we feel like we can put a bit extra into giving since everyone is paying so much to come to the wedding.


Also, in regards to the backlash from family/friends about the cost... trust me, we have heard it all!  One of our favorite cousins even had the gall to e-mail us and ask us if we even looked up the resort before we booked the wedding (since, god forbid, her child gets touched by a third world country bug) and she also wanted to hire security to get her from the airport terminal to the resort.  Seriously that is not even the beginning of it, just the highlights!  Needless to say, we are having roughly 100 guests coming so apparently most of our guests are very excited!  Basically we took the stance that if they do not want to make the trip then they won't make the trip and when they hear about how much fun it was then they'll regret not forking over the money to attend since it's more than just a wedding, it's a group vacation with your friends and family and what could be more fun?  Anyway, if you need to vent let me know b/c hearing the backlash was probably the most difficult 2-3 weeks after we announced our destination wedding plans. 


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You arrive at Dreams the day after I get Married.  We will be there from the 13th-20th I am soo excited we have booked our trip along with 13 other guests that includes both sets of parents and some aunts and uncles and cousins from my side. I am still waiting on the friends though even though I text them everyday with the resort prices and none of them booked when prices were way down. They were at 1200 at one point and that is including taxes and now are back up tp 1500 including taxes.  Oo well no one ever listens to me.


I have my dress as well it came in in July and I have only tried it on once since getting it in and it still fit perfectly although I am hoping to shed the rest of my baby weight before the wedding. My mom has been busy busy busy helping work on my OTT bags we have all the stuff for them we just have to put them together.


The only remaining task I really have is to order the lanterns and fans and I am good to go.

Originally Posted by Sherri84 View Post

Hi Ladies, It's been a while since I posted so I thought I'd update on what I've got done so far :)


Our Invites went out at the end of June, and we've had 6 people book so far.  We've also booked our trip, we'll be at Dreams Punta Cana from February 18th to March 4th and I'm soo excited :D


I ordered my dress in February it came in  June, and when I went to try it on it was way too small, they could hardly zip it up!!! I was soooo upset!!!I started watching what I was eating and running 5kms 3 times a week lost 7lbs and I went back the end of last month and it zipped up, no problems, no alterations are needed except a bustle. But I do need to find new shoes for my dress which sucks because I really loved the heels that I bought, they're only a 3 1/2 inch heel but my dress is too short with them on :( The search is on for a pair of 2 1/2'' fuchsia pink shoe :)


I've also started to get our OOT bags together. so far I've bought the bags, float mats, mini first aid kits, and hand sanitizers. I'll be ordering my mugs probably next month!


Well I think thatâ€s all the updates I have lol.  I Can't wait to read everyoneâ€s reviews!!!

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