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Dreams Punta Cana Brides

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Originally Posted by elenajustine View Post
So my guest list is exactly 40 people. I booked the Himitzu for the reception buteveryone says the bordeaux is great. I wonder if I should try and switch to that since I'm just at capacity. ANy thoughts? I just want a pretty view and enough room for dancing!
The Bordeaux terrace is the only one that has a view of the ocean, and it might be a bit small if you want a lof of space for dancing....

The Himitzu terrace is bigger with views of the resort gardens.. You will def. have plenty of space there for dancing... I think is just your personal preference...

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Bordeaux Terrace

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Himitzu terrace
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Hi There!!!

Hopefully we will be hanging color paper laterns over our tables and also having small paper ones on the floor around the perimeter of the terrace (they will also be color ones like the last pictures).

We think that we'll use all turquoise, hot pink and white ones...



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Originally Posted by Sprattjn View Post
For those of you who are using paper lanterns as one of the decorations for your reception, I am curious to hear how you are going to use them. Are you buying the plain paper laterns and simply hanging them up around the reception site, or are you also buying strig lights to hang up and then hang one laterns at each light bulb, or is anyone using the battery powered paper lanterns?
Hi There!!!
Hopefully we will be hanging color paper laterns over our tables and also having small paper ones on the floor around the perimeter of the terrace (they will also be color ones like the last pictures).
We think that we'll use all turquoise, hot pink and white ones...

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Hey Ladies, I see it was kinda busy on the forum this weekend. How's everyone doing ?


My updates: I bought all my centerpieces and will post pics ( they look very similar to Erin's)


I am almost finish with my pre-travel/welcome packet.


still gotta a long list of other things to get thou :)

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elena.. do a quick google search for sunset times in punta cana for your date. i know a lot of people like the bordeaux because of the ocean view, but it's likely that most of your reception will be after sunset anyway.


toya, i can't wait to see your centerpieces!!


i got to see my finished bouquets this weekend! the lady who is doing my flowers was at my shower and she brought my MOH's bouquet so she could bring it home with her and pack it. she held onto mine so she can get some good pictures before she's finished with everything, so i'll post pictures once i have them all (minus MOH's).


i also started handing out some of the OOT bags to the people who were at my shower and are from out of town so we won't see them again until we're there. everyone was really excited and surprised! plus, they liked the idea that they can use the bag as a carryon.. hopefully there will be a ton of people with those bags at the airport!

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I haven't been on here in a few days, I feel so disconnected!


I'm buying my AHR dress today, its a knee-length cocktail dress (white)... it's for one of our AHR's that is more of a BBQ feel, since my wedding dress wouldn't be exactly appropriate! I will keep you all posted!


Toya- can't wait to see the centrepieces!

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ashley: ya i was just asking you because your in the same month as me but shes been ignoring my emails for the last month.

aaand I love your decal! where are you putting it? at the reception?


Eliana: I was concerned about the "room for dancing" for the bordeaux terrance and Deyanira told me there is room lol. But the Himatsu terrrance is HUUGE! So theres definetly more room there!



I'm completly lost when it comes to favors. I don't want to get stuff that noone will even use. Wine stoppers are cute but who uses those?? I have one and I never use it! I found this cute beachy candle that has loose shells and sand and you put tealights in it.Google Image Result for http://www.sincerewedding.com/images/candle-favors/beach-wedding-favor_L.jpg

Mini photo frames would be cute too and they could double as place cards.


I'm ordering the BM dresses soon which I'm very excited about! Theres this designer on etsy and she makes convertible dress and she found a very pretty fabric design to go with my wedding colors.


After I ordered my wedding dress I think I'm finally getting back into planning mode! I'm putting together my invitations too!

Check! Check! Check and CHeck!! to do list is dwindling down!


toya- did they ever end up charging you for the deposit?? i know you went through this whole ordeal with them having double accounts on you? I'm just curious because the charge on my card has now dissappeared and I'm extremely confused! lol!

ooh and i cant wait to see you pre-wedding packet so i can steal ideas!

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Originally Posted by cogswellgray View Post

toya- did they ever end up charging you for the deposit?? i know you went through this whole ordeal with them having double accounts on you? I'm just curious because the charge on my card has now dissappeared and I'm extremely confused! lol!
ooh and i cant wait to see you pre-wedding packet so i can steal ideas!
Hey Jennifer,

They did finally charge my card it took about 5 days. They had it in holding first then it dissapeared and then they charged it. I hated the way they did that. The pre wedding packet is almost done. and as soon as I remember my password for photobucket I can upload a picture of the centerpiece lol...

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