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Freaking out!


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OK, so I think I posted in another thread that we were trying to change our wedding location from the beach to the gazebo at our resort (Iberostar Lindo). My TA has had all the interaction with the WC at the resort so everything has bee filtered through her. Well, then I seen on another board you could have a private dinner and reception in one of the restaurants at the Del Mar anther Iberostar hotel. I had seen pictures of a wedding in the gazebo with the private reception afterwards from a wedding December. My TA confirmed that we were able to switch our wedding location to the gazebo, but was waiting for confirmation of the private reception. So today she forwarded me an email from the WC that said in the three years she has worked at the resort no one has ever had the gazebo and private dinner at the Del Mar. You couldn't have events on two different properties and that each hotel has different WCs. She emailed the WC at the Del Mar with the pictures and review (that I got off another board) that showed this just happened in December. The original WC sent an email that she was canceling our date, and would forward our file to the WC at the Del Mar since we wanted the private reception. Now TA receives an email that the Del Mar does not have our date available. WTF? I told TA that if I couldn't have the private dinner I still wanted the gazebo as our ceremony site, so she is trying to get ahold of the original WC to re-book our date at the Lindo. I really hope they did not give it away already or we are screwed! FIs parents already booked their trip along with a couple of his family members to stay at the Lindo, and did not get the travel insurance. If we have to change resorts I'm not sure they will be able to change, or if they do I'm sure their is some kind of penalty fee involved. I don't know what we are going to do if they can't give us our date back. Sorry I just needed to vent for a minute.

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censored.gif girl, i feel your pain. remember our priest gave away my ceremony time? it all worked out in the end. yours will too!


deep breath. your TA should be handling this and needs to be absolutely crystal clear on what you want, so make sure you deal with her via phone and not email. details seem to get lost through email with WCs! the WC shouldnt have cancelled your date... it seems so many people working at these resorts are not the sharpest crayons in the box. vent away, getting it off your chest makes it feel better, i promise! let us know if theres anything we can do to help!

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Originally Posted by mauraw View Post
censored.gif girl, i feel your pain. remember our priest gave away my ceremony time? it all worked out in the end. yours will too!

deep breath. your TA should be handling this and needs to be absolutely crystal clear on what you want, so make sure you deal with her via phone and not email. details seem to get lost through email with WCs! the WC shouldnt have cancelled your date... it seems so many people working at these resorts are not the sharpest crayons in the box. vent away, getting it off your chest makes it feel better, i promise! let us know if theres anything we can do to help!
It's true - vent - get it off your chest and then just wait and see what happens before you start freaking out. The good thing is that the two hotels are related and that even if the WC "gave your date away" she will need to "get it back!" I mean that kind of thing happens all the time (I know cause if the beginning it happened to me!). The WC tells someone "yes I have this date" and then emails them the next day to say "I made a mistake. Sorry that dake is booked. But I have..." So that's it. Your TA just needs to make sure that if necessary that is what they will do. And if they won't do that then they must refund everyone's money in full (since it's their fault in the first place). Hang in there - you may not need to do any of this!
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We got our date back at the original hotel! However, my TA found out that there are two gazebos. One at the Lindo and one at the Del Mar, so we could have changed our wedding package to the Del Mar to have the gazebo and private dinner from the beginning. Although, now our date is not available to switch and after all that has happened today I'm not about to make any more changes! So we will have our wedding ceremony in the gazebo at the Lindo, semi-private dinner at one of the restaurants, and we're booking one of the private rooms for dancing afterwards. All is good again!smile29.gif

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