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Who will be the next President?


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Originally Posted by Alyssa View Post
I i have been watching and listening to everyone's comments and opinions and i feel compelled to comment on a particular statement that i keep seeing pop up "I'm not sure if the country is ready for a black president or a woman" i am not attacking anyone personally, IMHO this is another form of the kind of thinking that has held back change and social movement for women and minorities in this country for many years.

this is not about whether we are ready or not, this is about social evolution. There will be people who will always say ‘we are not ready’. This line of thinking somehow implies that race or gender are a determining factor in regards to what is ‘good enough’ or right. It is shocking to hear that statement coming from women, particularly since we as woman have been denied basic human rights and persecuted for having belief systems that ‘men were not ready for’.

Would the conservatives still say ‘we are not ready’ if the black candidate was Colin Powell? Have you ever considered that historically white males had have easier access to education and the elite clubs that have garnered candidates ‘presidentially ready’ in our country? When is the time ever right for change? What are we waiting for?

As I said I am not attacking anyone personally, just jumping in the discussion / debate and putting my 2 cents in.

and i was clearly just on a soapbox so i will step off it smile124.gif
I couldn't agree with you more.
Please continue standing on your box and telling truths!
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Originally Posted by scharke View Post
I'm supporting Ron Paul for President. Of course he has no chance but I feel it's really important to continue supporting him because of his frankness and his ability to see through the bull and call it like it is.
You know, I'm not with him on every issue, but he has made some points that I strongly agree with. And you're right, he has no chance. In general (for me) it seems the people that make the most sense to me never have a shot at winning.

Dennis Kucinich had great ideas and didn't give me that icky feeling all over, but he too stood no chance from the gate. Kudos to them for running their campaigns anyway! (except how much $$ do they lose? ouch!)

Originally Posted by AnnR View Post
I also want to point out, in the interest of debate, that what might be an "issue" for some might not be for another. We all have our own life experiences, opinions, and perspectives. I am the type that focuses on what impacts me directly, things like Health Care and the Housing Market, for example. To be quite frank, the war doesn't impact me directly - I realize that I am one of the few and lucky. So when you say to look at "all of the issues" - I might be, the issues that are important to me. Does that make sense? I have to look at what the issues are for me, and my life.
I understand what you are saying, I think it's natural to gravitate towards what affects your daily life.

Originally Posted by Alyssa View Post
I i have been watching and listening to everyone's comments and opinions and i feel compelled to comment on a particular statement that i keep seeing pop up "I'm not sure if the country is ready for a black president or a woman"
Ah yes...that kind of thinking is dangerous indeed. Look at me, if people kept thinking along those lines my husband would be dead and I would be shunned by society for loving him. I'm certain that the ignorant still exist, but it isn't a matter of public policy anymore :)

Originally Posted by Dbld78 View Post
the four off limits topics...hahahaha!
Nice...I only had 2, but those 4 are pretty hot topics! LOL
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IMO, the war needs to end. It has added so much to our economy being an absolute MESS in the US, not to mention, lives being lost everyday with no end in sight.

We do need someone with a fresh view on things, who wants to change things, not keep them the same.

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  • 8 months later...

I am so excitied about this election but at the same time I can't wait until it's over. It's all I see on TV and hear about.


FI & I vote for the person not the party, both of us are undeclared. In the past I have voted both ways. This time around I'm voting for Obama. McCain is old and way to much of a hot head.

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