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Who will be the next President?


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I just wanted to throw in that can you believe that this is the first time in history that a woman is actually running for president and has a chance of winning? I mean how behind the times! Countries all of over the world have had amazing (and not so amazing) female leaders for so long and now in 2008 we have a female running for office...


Whether you love her or hate her (I have a theory about why so many powerful women are so painfully hated... even by other women I might add) it is certainly inspiring for all our future daughters and granddaughters!

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Yeah Kash the female candidate is monumental and, if nothing else, should inspire the little ones. Glenda, I guess you won't be at the next Obama rally? LOL J/K


IMHO they are all bad. Everyone that ever runs will be bad. It's the nature of the beast, nobody is as altruistic as they pretend to be. They are all players in a game and I know people who don't see it that way, but I do.


You can't run a campaign based on the truth. What if current Pres. Bush said "I'm going to take us to war, devastate the economy, make enemies the world over....vote for me!". Who among us would vote for someone who didn't try to come across as the right person for the job? You cover up truths, doubletalk, and mudsling. This is nothing new.


Everyone has a past, and a present, while trying to convince the masses that they are the future of American leadership. You can bet your bottom dollar none of the candidates truly care. They are merely students of the game and know that in order to win they must sway people. That's it. So hell yeah their speeches need to appeal to the voter, and the voter needs to feel like they "get" that candidate. How else will they get votes?


I do not really like any of them. They all make me uncomfortable. So do I not vote because they are all bogus, do I try to find out who is less evil, or do I pick the lady or gentleman who's face and voice won't disgust me for the next 4-8 years?


Peace be with whatever liar wins....the world ain't happy with us right now so commence to ass kissing :)

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Originally Posted by starchild View Post
Yeah Kash the female candidate is monumental and, if nothing else, should inspire the little ones. Glenda, I guess you won't be at the next Obama rally? LOL J/K

IMHO they are all bad. Everyone that ever runs will be bad. It's the nature of the beast, nobody is as altruistic as they pretend to be. They are all players in a game and I know people who don't see it that way, but I do.

You can't run a campaign based on the truth. What if current Pres. Bush said "I'm going to take us to war, devastate the economy, make enemies the world over....vote for me!". Who among us would vote for someone who didn't try to come across as the right person for the job? You cover up truths, doubletalk, and mudsling. This is nothing new.

Everyone has a past, and a present, while trying to convince the masses that they are the future of American leadership. You can bet your bottom dollar none of the candidates truly care. They are merely students of the game and know that in order to win they must sway people. That's it. So hell yeah their speeches need to appeal to the voter, and the voter needs to feel like they "get" that candidate. How else will they get votes?

I do not really like any of them. They all make me uncomfortable. So do I not vote because they are all bogus, do I try to find out who is less evil, or do I pick the lady or gentleman who's face and voice won't disgust me for the next 4-8 years?

Peace be with whatever liar wins....the world ain't happy with us right now so commence to ass kissing :)
but with that then the greater of the two evils stands a better chance of getting elected. I was taught that if you dont speak when I slap you then i will slap you again.

What that means is if I dont vote and the world goes down in flames then a cant yell. I have no right to complain because it is ok with me
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Originally Posted by LadyP View Post
but with that then the greater of the two evils stands a better chance of getting elected. I was taught that if you dont speak when I slap you then i will slap you again.

What that means is if I dont vote and the world goes down in flames then a cant yell. I have no right to complain because it is ok with me
Wait, I'm not following you and I think you misunderstand me - I didn't say not to vote or that I do not vote.

I said this:

So do I not vote because they are all bogus, do I try to find out who is less evil, or do I pick the lady or gentleman who's face and voice won't disgust me for the next 4-8 years?

And who used to slap you until you spoke? Click the image to open in full size.
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To be honest, yes they are all rich, narcasitic (spelling?) and out for selfish reasons, but let's be honest here. The president of the US makes $400,000 a year, these people make way more than that each year selling books, and speaking at events. None of which they can do in the 4-8 years they are president. So are they selfish and evil in a way-absof&($inlutely (in the words of Mr. Big), but wouldn't you be if you had the launch codes and the ability to control the world in a way?

On the other hand they are doing their country a service, being president is a 24/7 job, with no breaks, if you look at what a person looks like when they get elected vs. their appearance when they leave office, they have aged about 40 years in the 8 years they were there. It's the most amazing job in our country and I have to be hopeful and say that at some point one of these people will do something wonderful for our country.

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Originally Posted by Nrvsbride View Post
Ok I am going to put my two cents in (more like a quarter). LOL. I am not trying to offend anyone I am just trying to have an honest and real discussion about something that I consider to be an important topic.

I like Obama. He is well educated and very likeable. Like many said he gives speeches that move people. If you want to vote for Obama because you agree with his stance on issues then I think that is awesome. But I have to be honest, it scares me a little bit to think that so many people want to vote for him merely b/c he promotes "change".

1. He did not grow up in the ghetto somewhere. He was raised by his maternal grandparents (who happen to be white) and he spent most of his life in Hawaii in a nice area. He went to Columbia University and then attended Harvard University. So the rags to riches story he is always trying to promote bothers me.

2. He denounces lobbyists but the head of his campaign is a huge pharmaceutical company lobbyist. Umm hypocricy?

3. His wife sits on a board for a food company that supplies Wal-mart and other non-unioned companies. How can he and his wife (who has given many speeches on his behalf) criticize Hilary for taking corporate jobs after law school when they cater to corporate America?

4. His wife is also the VP of the University of Chicago Medical Center, which has a policy of urging poor people to seek private healthcare so they won't drain the public resources and will make more money for the private doctors.

5. He loves touting change. Great, I want change too. But how is he going to do that? He hasn't been able to explain how he plans to implement this change.

6. He always talks about how he was against the Iraq war from the beginning. Well sure that's easy for him to say b/c he wasn't there for that vote. I'm not saying the war is right or wrong, all I'm saying is that people made the best decision they could with the information they were given AT THE TIME. And its really hard to look your constituents in the face and say "Oh your husband died in 9/11? Sorry but we're going to do nothing about it right now." Hilary may have supported the war but honestly she is the Senator from NY. What was she supposed to do? Every individual in NY wanted to go to war with their own hands after 9/11 happened. People felt differently at the time. Hindsight is 20/20.

7. Its known in politics that the under 30 vote is easy to persuade by glorifying "idealistic" ideas that sound great but will never be implemented. Most young people can't even point Iraq out on the map. They are known for voting with their heart and not based on informed decisions, if they even bother to vote at all. Do you really believe that if he's president all those old fat, white men in Congress & the Senate are going to let him do what he wants? They will veto every bill he proposes if they don't agree with him.

8. Its easy to say your going to change things when you don't have that much experience as to how things work. Politics is so complicated. Its not as easy as saying "yay/nay" when the vote comes around. It involves complex issues that aren't as simple as saying "Okay I'll just pull all the troops out in Iraq." Most people don't want war, but most people don't understand politics well enough to know that if they just withdraw troops immediately, the more powerful countries such as Iran & Syria will pounce on Iraq and cause severe instability in the middle east.

Okay I too am going to step off my box now. I am not trying to push any candidate on anyone, I just want those of you voting for Obama to do so b/c you are making an informed, educated decision and not b/c it feels like he is speaking directly to you.

i heart you glenda for your opinion. i thank you for your honesty...i will def be making my decision when i have fully been educated but i what i ment is he has my attention and i like it because it woke me up, and i feel as though when he talks i believe, its so hard to believe today.. but i will def be doing my homework before i vote i did not want to be misunderstood...im so excited i feel empowered to vote this year..
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Okay, can someone give me a legitimate reason why candidates solicit/raise MILLIONS of dollars each just to campaignhuh.gif?? I don't like being solicited for anything, let alone $, when I have have no clue what its going towards or I don't believe in it.


I mean, I know they have travel expenses, staff, commericals, and other marketing things that have costs associated with it.


I heard on the news this morning that Hillary is trying to raise $x million dollars in 3 days so she will have the same funds as Obama. And she mentioned that she contributed $5 million from her own pocket.


And I know money supposedly = power.


But in all honesty, in my opinion, all that moolah could be used toward something better. (I could list an abundance of things off the top of my head, but I wont) Someone out there please tell me that there is some good behind these funds!!

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