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Who will be the next President?


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Originally Posted by MikkiStreak View Post
On a more amusing note: Has anyone noticed that McCain looks like he inherited George Washington's wooden teeth? And that when Fred Thompson was running, he really resembled the creature from "The Black Lagoon"? We got quite a few chuckles on these observations in our house as we watched the debates. :)
More great points in your post, but I had to comment on this because you slay me!!! Too funny!

Originally Posted by AnnR View Post
Don't be too impressed - it's my 2nd time in like 2 months. And all I do is walk, and then do a few stomach and back exercises that my trainer gave me. I sit on my couch "working" all day - I need to move, or I will start growing roots!
We don't want that...lol

Originally Posted by yari2566 View Post
I am a registered Republican but looking for change.

Go Obama!
Wow...Yari you give me hope!
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Originally Posted by Christine View Post
As a government teacher, I have to say this poll needs to be edited. There are a few people on here that have no chance at winning.
That being said, if McCain gets a moderate to conservative running mate that can help him win the popularity of the Christian Coalition and those in the bible belt he really could take the country. Many people feel that he has the experience needed to help our country out. He certainly is the only candidate that has military experience.
On the Dem side, Obama has very little experience and some people like that, some don't. He is charismatic and is that rags to riches story that makes people feel like they know him. He certainly has a lock on the African-American vote for the most part, however the Clintons have always been very popular among African-American voters. Clinton has a lock on many women, Asian, and Latino voters which if you've ever been on the West Coast you know if you don't have that vote you can't win most of those states (which is why she won CA). Clinton has made huge efforts to make sure people don't remember her as the first lady and people look at her as the Senator from New York and a public servant. She does not want her husbands Impeachment to wreck her campaign. She will have to get a running mate that will tie the Democratic party together. Obama will also have to do the same, they cannot be each other's running mate, they are both to strong of people for that.
As for getting the nomination. Hillary at this point has more super delegates, which after yesterday look like the only way anyone is going to win this race. here is an article about super delegates for those of you who don't understand them What role for Democratic 'super-delegates'? - Politics - MSNBC.com
The Republican nomination basically looks like its in the bag, unless some crazy freak event happens, but Romney would basically have to win just about every other state in order to get the nomination and Huckabee would have to really win everything else to get it.
Okay off my box now, please let me know if you have questions about this please let me know.
Above all please vote and vote for who will lead our country through this war, recession, and global warming implications.

thank you so much Christine for saying this!
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Originally Posted by Christine View Post
for those of you who are undecided I am going to have my students do this quiz
MPR: Select A Candidate 2008: President
I think its the best one I have come across so far.
Good quiz - I scored Obama first and Hillary second.

I feel that Hillary has the experience necessary to implement change, but honestly I would be extremely satisfied if either she or Obama won the Presidency. I feel that both are excellent candidates, and am very torn between the two. For this reason I do not want to vote in the Primaries. However, you can be sure that I will be there on Election Day!!!!!

P.S. I'm VERY surprised that so many Republicans are willing to go for Obama. If that's truly the case then I say go Obama!
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Ditto to everything.


I would also like to add that while politics and religion are considered "hot" buttons, I think that these topics can still be discussed if we are respectful of others views while expressing our own. We have a great group of diplomatic forum members that delicately discuss issues every day with well-meaning and sensitivity of others. Kudos to all!

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Ok I am going to put my two cents in (more like a quarter). LOL. I am not trying to offend anyone I am just trying to have an honest and real discussion about something that I consider to be an important topic.


I like Obama. He is well educated and very likeable. Like many said he gives speeches that move people. If you want to vote for Obama because you agree with his stance on issues then I think that is awesome. But I have to be honest, it scares me a little bit to think that so many people want to vote for him merely b/c he promotes "change".


1. He did not grow up in the ghetto somewhere. He was raised by his maternal grandparents (who happen to be white) and he spent most of his life in Hawaii in a nice area. He went to Columbia University and then attended Harvard University. So the rags to riches story he is always trying to promote bothers me.


2. He denounces lobbyists but the head of his campaign is a huge pharmaceutical company lobbyist. Umm hypocricy?


3. His wife sits on a board for a food company that supplies Wal-mart and other non-unioned companies. How can he and his wife (who has given many speeches on his behalf) criticize Hilary for taking corporate jobs after law school when they cater to corporate America?


4. His wife is also the VP of the University of Chicago Medical Center, which has a policy of urging poor people to seek private healthcare so they won't drain the public resources and will make more money for the private doctors.


5. He loves touting change. Great, I want change too. But how is he going to do that? He hasn't been able to explain how he plans to implement this change.


6. He always talks about how he was against the Iraq war from the beginning. Well sure that's easy for him to say b/c he wasn't there for that vote. I'm not saying the war is right or wrong, all I'm saying is that people made the best decision they could with the information they were given AT THE TIME. And its really hard to look your constituents in the face and say "Oh your husband died in 9/11? Sorry but we're going to do nothing about it right now." Hilary may have supported the war but honestly she is the Senator from NY. What was she supposed to do? Every individual in NY wanted to go to war with their own hands after 9/11 happened. People felt differently at the time. Hindsight is 20/20.


7. Its known in politics that the under 30 vote is easy to persuade by glorifying "idealistic" ideas that sound great but will never be implemented. Most young people can't even point Iraq out on the map. They are known for voting with their heart and not based on informed decisions, if they even bother to vote at all. Do you really believe that if he's president all those old fat, white men in Congress & the Senate are going to let him do what he wants? They will veto every bill he proposes if they don't agree with him.


8. Its easy to say your going to change things when you don't have that much experience as to how things work. Politics is so complicated. Its not as easy as saying "yay/nay" when the vote comes around. It involves complex issues that aren't as simple as saying "Okay I'll just pull all the troops out in Iraq." Most people don't want war, but most people don't understand politics well enough to know that if they just withdraw troops immediately, the more powerful countries such as Iran & Syria will pounce on Iraq and cause severe instability in the middle east.


Okay I too am going to step off my box now. I am not trying to push any candidate on anyone, I just want those of you voting for Obama to do so b/c you are making an informed, educated decision and not b/c it feels like he is speaking directly to you.

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As a photographer who has regularly seen the majority of the canidates (Except mccain - who thought he was going anywhere?.... seriously!)....... I can tell you that I've given up on our political system! - These guys (and girl) - all want to be president, but none of them can get their acts together to show up to public and media events on time, often they keep their supporters waiting for hours, then when they do get there, they give a breif speech and then are hurried out the door. -


I know they are busy - but when you are running for president, and you are holding a major fundraising event - or delivering a majory policy speech ..... would it kill you to be on time?


not to mention being able to see them in front of the public and when they are not in front of the public - I can tell you all of the public figures Ive covered, with the exception of 2 (who shall rename nameless) - appeared to be extremely fake with the public. - Maybe its just their hatred for the media..? I dont know!


I guess I understand their anger with the media - as probably 75% of reporters out there have their own agenda.......... But I'm just a photographer man! --- I've seen celeb's be SOOOOO much nicer....... on time, easy to deal with, etc.


Maybe its just me..... I'm already "electioned-out" - and yet its only the begining of it all! - oh well....... I get to go to yet another rally/fundrasier for hillary tomorrow........ -- maybe she will be on time this time!


.... sorry, maybe this should have been in the rants section!


but I feel so much better! :)

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Originally Posted by Nrvsbride View Post
Ok I am going to put my two cents in (more like a quarter). LOL. I am not trying to offend anyone I am just trying to have an honest and real discussion about something that I consider to be an important topic.

I like Obama. He is well educated and very likeable. Like many said he gives speeches that move people. If you want to vote for Obama because you agree with his stance on issues then I think that is awesome. But I have to be honest, it scares me a little bit to think that so many people want to vote for him merely b/c he promotes "change".

1. He did not grow up in the ghetto somewhere. He was raised by his maternal grandparents (who happen to be white) and he spent most of his life in Hawaii in a nice area. He went to Columbia University and then attended Harvard University. So the rags to riches story he is always trying to promote bothers me.

2. He denounces lobbyists but the head of his campaign is a huge pharmaceutical company lobbyist. Umm hypocricy?

3. His wife sits on a board for a food company that supplies Wal-mart and other non-unioned companies. How can he and his wife (who has given many speeches on his behalf) criticize Hilary for taking corporate jobs after law school when they cater to corporate America?

4. His wife is also the VP of the University of Chicago Medical Center, which has a policy of urging poor people to seek private healthcare so they won't drain the public resources and will make more money for the private doctors.

5. He loves touting change. Great, I want change too. But how is he going to do that? He hasn't been able to explain how he plans to implement this change.

6. He always talks about how he was against the Iraq war from the beginning. Well sure that's easy for him to say b/c he wasn't there for that vote. I'm not saying the war is right or wrong, all I'm saying is that people made the best decision they could with the information they were given AT THE TIME. And its really hard to look your constituents in the face and say "Oh your husband died in 9/11? Sorry but we're going to do nothing about it right now." Hilary may have supported the war but honestly she is the Senator from NY. What was she supposed to do? Every individual in NY wanted to go to war with their own hands after 9/11 happened. People felt differently at the time. Hindsight is 20/20.

7. Its known in politics that the under 30 vote is easy to persuade by glorifying "idealistic" ideas that sound great but will never be implemented. Most young people can't even point Iraq out on the map. They are known for voting with their heart and not based on informed decisions, if they even bother to vote at all. Do you really believe that if he's president all those old fat, white men in Congress & the Senate are going to let him do what he wants? They will veto every bill he proposes if they don't agree with him.

8. Its easy to say your going to change things when you don't have that much experience as to how things work. Politics is so complicated. Its not as easy as saying "yay/nay" when the vote comes around. It involves complex issues that aren't as simple as saying "Okay I'll just pull all the troops out in Iraq." Most people don't want war, but most people don't understand politics well enough to know that if they just withdraw troops immediately, the more powerful countries such as Iran & Syria will pounce on Iraq and cause severe instability in the middle east.

Okay I too am going to step off my box now. I am not trying to push any candidate on anyone, I just want those of you voting for Obama to do so b/c you are making an informed, educated decision and not b/c it feels like he is speaking directly to you.

well said -- it scares me too...... a media whirlwind can almost determine our president - or kick a someone out of the race.

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Originally Posted by Nrvsbride View Post
Ok I am going to put my two cents in (more like a quarter). LOL. I am not trying to offend anyone I am just trying to have an honest and real discussion about something that I consider to be an important topic.

I like Obama. He is well educated and very likeable. Like many said he gives speeches that move people. If you want to vote for Obama because you agree with his stance on issues then I think that is awesome. But I have to be honest, it scares me a little bit to think that so many people want to vote for him merely b/c he promotes "change".

1. He did not grow up in the ghetto somewhere. He was raised by his maternal grandparents (who happen to be white) and he spent most of his life in Hawaii in a nice area. He went to Columbia University and then attended Harvard University. So the rags to riches story he is always trying to promote bothers me.

2. He denounces lobbyists but the head of his campaign is a huge pharmaceutical company lobbyist. Umm hypocricy?

3. His wife sits on a board for a food company that supplies Wal-mart and other non-unioned companies. How can he and his wife (who has given many speeches on his behalf) criticize Hilary for taking corporate jobs after law school when they cater to corporate America?

4. His wife is also the VP of the University of Chicago Medical Center, which has a policy of urging poor people to seek private healthcare so they won't drain the public resources and will make more money for the private doctors.

5. He loves touting change. Great, I want change too. But how is he going to do that? He hasn't been able to explain how he plans to implement this change.

6. He always talks about how he was against the Iraq war from the beginning. Well sure that's easy for him to say b/c he wasn't there for that vote. I'm not saying the war is right or wrong, all I'm saying is that people made the best decision they could with the information they were given AT THE TIME. And its really hard to look your constituents in the face and say "Oh your husband died in 9/11? Sorry but we're going to do nothing about it right now." Hilary may have supported the war but honestly she is the Senator from NY. What was she supposed to do? Every individual in NY wanted to go to war with their own hands after 9/11 happened. People felt differently at the time. Hindsight is 20/20.

7. Its known in politics that the under 30 vote is easy to persuade by glorifying "idealistic" ideas that sound great but will never be implemented. Most young people can't even point Iraq out on the map. They are known for voting with their heart and not based on informed decisions, if they even bother to vote at all. Do you really believe that if he's president all those old fat, white men in Congress & the Senate are going to let him do what he wants? They will veto every bill he proposes if they don't agree with him.

8. Its easy to say your going to change things when you don't have that much experience as to how things work. Politics is so complicated. Its not as easy as saying "yay/nay" when the vote comes around. It involves complex issues that aren't as simple as saying "Okay I'll just pull all the troops out in Iraq." Most people don't want war, but most people don't understand politics well enough to know that if they just withdraw troops immediately, the more powerful countries such as Iran & Syria will pounce on Iraq and cause severe instability in the middle east.

Okay I too am going to step off my box now. I am not trying to push any candidate on anyone, I just want those of you voting for Obama to do so b/c you are making an informed, educated decision and not b/c it feels like he is speaking directly to you.

so incredibly well said, honestly this is all the things I have wanted to say but can't because of being a non biased SS teacher.
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Originally Posted by Nrvsbride View Post
Ok I am going to put my two cents in (more like a quarter). LOL. I am not trying to offend anyone I am just trying to have an honest and real discussion about something that I consider to be an important topic.

I like Obama. He is well educated and very likeable. Like many said he gives speeches that move people. If you want to vote for Obama because you agree with his stance on issues then I think that is awesome. But I have to be honest, it scares me a little bit to think that so many people want to vote for him merely b/c he promotes "change".

1. He did not grow up in the ghetto somewhere. He was raised by his maternal grandparents (who happen to be white) and he spent most of his life in Hawaii in a nice area. He went to Columbia University and then attended Harvard University. So the rags to riches story he is always trying to promote bothers me.

2. He denounces lobbyists but the head of his campaign is a huge pharmaceutical company lobbyist. Umm hypocricy?

3. His wife sits on a board for a food company that supplies Wal-mart and other non-unioned companies. How can he and his wife (who has given many speeches on his behalf) criticize Hilary for taking corporate jobs after law school when they cater to corporate America?

4. His wife is also the VP of the University of Chicago Medical Center, which has a policy of urging poor people to seek private healthcare so they won't drain the public resources and will make more money for the private doctors.

5. He loves touting change. Great, I want change too. But how is he going to do that? He hasn't been able to explain how he plans to implement this change.

6. He always talks about how he was against the Iraq war from the beginning. Well sure that's easy for him to say b/c he wasn't there for that vote. I'm not saying the war is right or wrong, all I'm saying is that people made the best decision they could with the information they were given AT THE TIME. And its really hard to look your constituents in the face and say "Oh your husband died in 9/11? Sorry but we're going to do nothing about it right now." Hilary may have supported the war but honestly she is the Senator from NY. What was she supposed to do? Every individual in NY wanted to go to war with their own hands after 9/11 happened. People felt differently at the time. Hindsight is 20/20.

7. Its known in politics that the under 30 vote is easy to persuade by glorifying "idealistic" ideas that sound great but will never be implemented. Most young people can't even point Iraq out on the map. They are known for voting with their heart and not based on informed decisions, if they even bother to vote at all. Do you really believe that if he's president all those old fat, white men in Congress & the Senate are going to let him do what he wants? They will veto every bill he proposes if they don't agree with him.

8. Its easy to say your going to change things when you don't have that much experience as to how things work. Politics is so complicated. Its not as easy as saying "yay/nay" when the vote comes around. It involves complex issues that aren't as simple as saying "Okay I'll just pull all the troops out in Iraq." Most people don't want war, but most people don't understand politics well enough to know that if they just withdraw troops immediately, the more powerful countries such as Iran & Syria will pounce on Iraq and cause severe instability in the middle east.

Okay I too am going to step off my box now. I am not trying to push any candidate on anyone, I just want those of you voting for Obama to do so b/c you are making an informed, educated decision and not b/c it feels like he is speaking directly to you.
Glenda, you get a standing ovation for that one :)
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