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Did you bring your kids??

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We were in a similar situation. My FI has a son who will be coming down with us. It ended up that we will be flying back together but our initial thoughts were to ask family to bring his son back if we decided to jet set and honey right after. I think someone mentioned it but since she is a minor paperwork will most likely have to be filled out granting so and so permission to escort your daughter home. I agree be upfront with friends and family and ask for help. Is anyone else travelling with kids around your daughters age? would the parents mind a few days of sleep overs so you two can have some alone time. Hope everything works out, let us know.

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Originally Posted by MRS.BANKS View Post
Its not a custody issue. We have joint custody. I dont need his permission or anything like that. Its more of a I dont want to spend my honeymon with my daughter but I want her at the cermony. BUT I dont have anyone to stay with her and bring her back to Maryland after the wedding.
Hi! I'm a single parent, too - both my son and daughter live with me and visit there dad every other weekend, etc. We also have joint custody - but you still have to get his permission to take them out of the country. Or at least to get them a passport --- do they already have one? He had to fill out an affidavit granting consent to them obtaining passport - the only other option was for him to physically be at the passport office when we applied.

I agree with the advice you've gotten from the other girls - be up front with friends and family - they will understand how important it is to have your daughter there. Would you best friend be willing to help with this?
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Unfortunately, especially with joint custody you will need to get written permission from her father to take her. (can you imagine if you didn't? one parent could take the child across the world without the other's knowledge, and maybe not return).


Do you think her dad will cooperate with that? It would be great for her to go but the logistics of who will watch her are tough. Is your daughter real excited to go? So sorry you have to sort this out right now sad.gif

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My FI has a little boy that we have Full time. His mother gets him every other weekend and one month during the summer. We also wanted a little privacy for our honeymoon so we decided to get married during the summer when his mother would have him anyway. Have you thought about that, since you and your ex share custody? Just arrange the wedding on a week that he would have her.


Then perhaps have a little party when you and FH get back that you can include her in, or something to that extent so that she doesn't feel left out?

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Even though you have joint custody you still need to have a notarized note from her father. In fact, you can still be married and you need that note. A friend of ours was going to bring her baby down a few days earlier than her husband could fly down... and she'd need the permission in order to board the plane. Interesting, but definitely something you need to look into.

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Originally Posted by MRS.BANKS View Post
Its not a custody issue. We have joint custody. I dont need his permission or anything like that. Its more of a I dont want to spend my honeymon with my daughter but I want her at the cermony. BUT I dont have anyone to stay with her and bring her back to Maryland after the wedding.
Even with joint custody you will need an affitdavit from the father granting permission to travel outside the US. We went through this with my hubby's 2 sons...it was a total PITA & nobody ever asked to see the paperwork, but I know if we didn't have it they would have asked.

We brought the kids with us & they stayed with us for 2 or 3 days after the wedding. One traveled home with his aunt/uncle and the other traveled with my mom. My mom "watched over" the child that lives with us until we returned home. It worked out well.
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We brought all 5 of our children, we just couldn't have imagined getting married without them there, as they are the most important people in our lives. I think the age of the child is a factor, would she be upset if not included? You would hate to start out your life together with one very important member of your family feeling left out. I think the idea of having her return home with someone else is a good idea. We just decided that our honeymoon would have to be later (this april/may) and enjoy our friends and family for the week. We had my mom look after the kids the night of the wedding, it worked out well. Good luck on this tough decision.


P.s don't forget a notorized letter, joint custody or not, you will need it. We did get asked to show ours.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Most resorts have child care available as part of the package. The only thing you have to worry about is where she will sleep. I'm not sure who you trust in your wedding party for her to sleep with at nights, but as far as the day time, she will have fun in the playroom. My kids ages 8 and 14 are going as well. They will be sleeping in the room with my sisters. During the day, they will be in the playroom. Hope this helps.smile159.gif

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