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I HATE FI's family right now!


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I'm sorry things are not going very well. Well if it helps you feel any better your'e not alone. I'm having the same issue now. I'm early in the planning stages and have changed my destination once already. It's totally put a downer on my planning motivation. And wonder how it would look if only my family was there. okay I won't write a novel about my problems. Hope you feel a little better. : (

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I truly feel your pain & am in the same boat. I know you said you don't care anymore & you want all of this to be over, but PLEASE don't let them take all the fun & love out of whats supposed to be the best time of your life.

From this point on, I'd keep all my info to myself. I wouldn't share any other wedding details with them. I wouldn't call them before I left & I darn sure wouldn't call them when I got back. You better hope you feel better to give them pictures of everything that they missed!!! Screw everyone else from this point on. I know it sucks & I know you're pissed & FI is hurt, but its ALL about you two.

Here's to feeling better soon grouphug.gifhug2.gif

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That really sucks, I'm sorry you are going through this. I completly understand where you are coming from. Of our 23 guests, only 5 of them are from FI's family (his parents, brother and one aunt and uncle). Several other of his family members who routinely go on vacation and can afford to attend decided not to. One aunt told us if we were getting married in Cuba in February she would be there but she could not be bothered to go to Mexico in April instead. My travel agent specialises in destination weddings and she told me that when problems arise with guests and family members backing out 95% of the time it is the groom's side. It is sooo frustrating.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but when I was considering placing deposits my travel agent told me that if anyone backed out, the deposits would be transferred to our account since we put the money down. Is this not the case with you? If not, I would send them a bill for the money they owe you and your FI.

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Originally Posted by Christa View Post
That really sucks. The fact that you paid their deposits requires they pick an option:
1. Go to the wedding
2. Pay you back what they owe you.

I would not be shy about making that crystal clear.
I agree with Christa completely.
I'm so sorry you're going through this.
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