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Not sure how to handle this ...

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I'm on board. Tell Kelly to come up with a solution that doesn't put Angie out. She agreed to the original arrangement, and now she's changing it. I'd say, tell her to book a single, and then switch rooms so that she and boyfriend have the double occupancy and give the single room to Angie.

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OMG! Almost the exact same thing happened to me. 2 BMs were supposed to room together, and like 3 months before the wedding one decides she and her boyfriend are doing really well and he's coming too. The more the merrier as far as we care, and I didn't even know about their rooming arrangement...until -


BM#1 calls me and says BM#2 just screwed her, she is left out with anybody to room with. BM#2 calls me and says how dare BM#1 put this on the bride, they haven't booked yet and she can take whoever she wants. They didn't talk for like a month, cursed each other, the whole 9 yards.


Mine were good friends, we've all known each other 10+ years, so I told BM#2 to suck it up and pay the difference. They hadn't booked yet, but all intentions were to book together. I also offered BM#1 the option of rooming with other single female guests who were looking for roomates, but that didn't fly.


It's a long drawn out story, but in the end BM#1 takes a girlfriend and BM #2 takes her man. The girlfriend BM #1 takes turns out to be a total troll. She was the only friend who had last minute $$. We met her at the bach. party in Mexico and immediately banned her from the WD and wedding. She stayed at her hotel while we got married because I didn't want that face within sight on my wedding day OR at our WD (she was most evil, trust me). BM#2 brought her man, who was really cool, and a blast to be around. They made up about a month before the wedding, in the name of not ruining my day, so all's well that ends well I suppose.


But what a stupid ass situation....I sympathize sad.gif

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This is really messed up. I'd tell Kelly that her boyfriend needs to pay for a single room and she needs to stick to the original plan. If she wants to stay with him at the resort, she can. But, it's not fair to Angie that the plans are being changed and now she has to find more $.

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That sucks that she is putting this on you. I would tell her, hey, you made these arrangements and you need to figure this out on your own. Tell her that you are busy enough with planning your wedding and you dont have time for this and that you don't want to get in the middle of this. Who knows they may not even be together anymore when your wedding comes around.

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God, I HATE it when people think b/c they meet someone they can back out on their commitments and leave someone else in the cold. It is ssoo totally selfish!


If her new BF wants to come, he needs to pay for his own room ... and then she can stay with him ... but she can not expect your other MOH to have to shell out more money when the main reason for doubling up was to SAVE money.


I think it is up to your MOH to talk to the other -- not you -- but truly it shouldn't even come up b/c she should do the right thing. Sure, have the new BF come, but at HIS expense, not the other MOH's.

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Good news, ladies! Kelly called Angie herself. She agreed to give $200 of the $300 to Angie for the trouble. Angie is OK with that - and is fine with paying the extra $100 because she'll have her own room.


Just found this out ... Kelly is putting the new boyfriend's trip on her credit card ... and he's going to reimburse her. Hmmm ... wonder if that will happen ...

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Originally Posted by AlmostMrsForbes View Post
Good news, ladies! Kelly called Angie herself. She agreed to give $200 of the $300 to Angie for the trouble. Angie is OK with that - and is fine with paying the extra $100 because she'll have her own room.

Just found this out ... Kelly is putting the new boyfriend's trip on her credit card ... and he's going to reimburse her. Hmmm ... wonder if that will happen ...
Great news! Glad that it worked out & you didn't have to be too involved. He's gonna reimburse herhuh.gif? .wow.gif Yeah right!!! She must've fallen pretty hard.
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