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Take your garage door openers out of your cars


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Last night we had a break in at our Townhome complex. Someone hopped the fence or somehow got through the gates and broke into a truck. The owners had left their garage door opener inside their truck (which was parked in a guest parking spot), and the robbers proceeded to enter their house through the garage while they were sleeping. They found all 3 sets of keys and needless to say this morning our neighbors woke up to 3 missing cars. Since they were asleep on the 3rd floor they heard nothing.Luckily they were not hurt and it doesn't look like anything else was stolen.


Just a warning. I know I received an email about this a few months back from my Grandma and ignored it thinking it was just needless worrying but the sad fact is things like this happen.


Martin's parents were also broken into last week. They kicked in their bedroom door in broad daylight and took everything valuable in site.


It's a good reminder to always keep on the lookout - lock doors that lead from the garage into the house, take your garage openers out of your cars and set your alarm system if you have one.


Stay safe BDW!

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wow! this is freaking me out. at least 4 other people i know have had their houses broken into recently. all are ok, but still... yikes!!! considering DH works night shifts so I'm home alone with Aiden overnight most of the week, I certainly hope this doesn't happen to me anytime soon!

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That is a scary thought! If you have an alarm system, I suggest looking into a remote keyfob for your alarm. We have one and LOVE it. One button turns the alarm on/off. One button is for a "panic". The third can be programmed a few different ways. Our are programmed to open/close our garage door. (helped too because there were no remotes left by the seller!). It stays on my keychain - never left in the car. Seems much safer.

And, I know the panic works because I accidently hit it once - OOPS! Police came right away & I ended up paying a fee because we had another false alarm a few months before.

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