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Is it O.K. to send OOT bags before they leave for Mexico?

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My OOTs are massive, and I have beach towels in them for our catamaran trip, so they are bulky too. I was advised not to ship things down to Mexico, and the resort I am going to has had problems "losing" OOTs in the past, so I was wondering if it would take away from things if I sent these to everyone's house about a week prior to departures. Any thoughts? Thanks!

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I think so too. When the time comes, we plan on hand delivering and mailing out ours a few weeks prior. This way we don't have to worry about the extra baggage weight (airline restrictions when flying from Canada) or them getting lost in transit if we were to ship them to the resort ahead of time.

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Originally Posted by shellb View Post
I think so too. When the time comes, we plan on hand delivering and mailing out ours a few weeks prior. This way we don't have to worry about the extra baggage weight (airline restrictions when flying from Canada) or them getting lost in transit if we were to ship them to the resort ahead of time.
We are in the same position and plan to do exactly what you are. We have some guests coming from the USA and some from the UK so we plan to take those bags with us.
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I gave out my oot bags at a meet and greet bar'b'q a couple of weeks before. It worked out great, and it let everyone know early on how much we appreciated them making the trip. I did ask everyone to please remember to bring their mugs, it was all I cared about in the bags that would actually make it to our wedding. No one forgot them, and everyone used them the whole week. At the end of our trip at a farewell dinner I gave everyone shell necklaces that we got in the DR, as a thankyou for coming. Of course we also had our wedding favours at the reception, as well as fans and touchstones, so our guests certainly didn't leave the island feeling empty handed.

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Originally Posted by dragonfly View Post
I gave out my oot bags at a meet and greet bar'b'q a couple of weeks before. It worked out great, and it let everyone know early on how much we appreciated them making the trip. I did ask everyone to please remember to bring their mugs, it was all I cared about in the bags that would actually make it to our wedding. No one forgot them, and everyone used them the whole week. At the end of our trip at a farewell dinner I gave everyone shell necklaces that we got in the DR, as a thankyou for coming. Of course we also had our wedding favours at the reception, as well as fans and touchstones, so our guests certainly didn't leave the island feeling empty handed.
This is such a great idea!
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We are in the same boat. Almost everybody (save 4 people) is going down on the same plane, so Jason and I are meeting them at the check-in at the airport and handing them out then. Most airlines allow two carry ons, so they will be fine~ We did towels too, so we sure didn't want to lug them all down with us!!!

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I have also been trying to figure out how I am going to get my OOT bags to everyone. For those of you who gave them out before you left, did you still put snacks and drinks in the bags? I was planning on doing this if we brought the bags w/ us to Aruba, but now I think that might be pointless if we give them to everyone before they leave......uhhhh, everything always turns into drama LOL

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Thanks so much everyone! This makes my decision final... I'm sending those bit%$*s! We have people flying in from St. Louis, Minneapolis, Denver, and Phoenix... and even those coming from one city are all coming on different flights. It would be way too complicated to do anything but either take them all down or send them all out. Whew! I was trying to figure out how to distribute all this junk, I'm feeling so much better about sending them now. Thanks again!

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