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Hard Day, Death in family...

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Well today has been rough. This morning I woke up around 5:00 a.m. (normal time for me) to check out our news and decide if I was going to attempt to go to work today - we got a lot of snow yesterday and throughout the night. I finally decided I would take the safe route and stay home, do some work and then work some wedding things that I really needed to get finished. At 7:30 my mother called to tell me that my great aunt (that lived in wisconsin - i live in missouri) was getting ready to pass away. Immediately I jumped in the shower and packed my things. I met my parents and we went to my brothers house. We had decided we were going to try and drive up to Wisconsin before she passed. But before we left my brothers, my mother called the hospital and was informed that she had just passed. So instead of us rushing, we are going to make the trek up to Wisconsin tommorrow so that we can attend the funeral.

I had to call my MOH to have her cancel the plans for my bachlorette party that was suppossed to be tommorrow. Everyone was pretty sad about that but my family is more important to me than a night out on the town. Unfortunately my fiance's bachloer party required a lot of money from him and his friends so I told him I would rather him stay behind and still go to his party. He was extremely reluctant but he is going to do it.

So this is just my vent of the day... I'm heartbroken because I was really hoping my great aunt & uncle would be able to be at my AHR in March...

So if you pray, please keep us in your prayers - that our trip is safe to and from wisconsin and a prayer for my great uncle.. They had been married since she was in her teens and she would have been 75 in March.. That is a lot time to be with someone and in an instant they aren't there.. So I know this is going to be a hard journey for my great uncle.

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