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Stomach Problems.....


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If you have problems after high fat foods (and not just dairy), then definitely get your gallbladder checked. Bad gallbladders will go into spasm after a high-fat meal and you will feel pain in the right upper part of your abdomen or sometimes shoulder pain.

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one more possibility it could be is that sometimes your stomach becomes herniated through a hole in your diaphram causing acid reflux. it can be taken care of with a few special massage techniques that helps pull it back out without surgery. most likely its lactose intolerence though but you never know.

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I seem to be missing a lot of threads lately - over the last couple years I've had a really hard time with dairy (gas, bloating, cramps, upset stomach) but I find that lactaid (I, too, take a generic brand) really, really helps. I've always been a dairy junkie...I love cheese, yogurt (ugh this is the worst for me!) and ice cream and I can't give it up, not matter how much it bothers me LOL


Lower fat products generally containe less lactose, so keep that in mind! No-fat or 1% milk, no/low-fat yogurt, etc. I also just found out within the last few weeks about drops you can put in your milk or food that will significantly reduce the lactose content but I'm not sure what they're called - once I find out I'll let you know!


There are a lot of things that you wouldn't think contain lactose that do too - instant iced tea mix even! So I'd read up on what contains it and what doesn't because there could be so many things that will bother you that you wouldn't even think about!

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