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So, FH and I usually watch a little tv before bed. Well, tonight he went into the Tivo "now playing" list. For those of you that don't know, that's where all the recorded shows are kept. He suddenly goes "ahem, ahem" to get my attention and I see him laughing at the tv. I look up and sure enough, there was the screen FILLED with different wedding shows. LOL. It was so embarrassing, but he just laughed it off and started watching one! Hopefully, I'm not the only one that is obsessed with wedding shows!

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Haha... I'm addicted to them right now as well! I usually watch one before bed most nights as my fiance works on schoolwork that I have given up on. He initially gave me a hard time about watching them... then it just a little laugh and eye roll ... and now he can generally tell whether I (we) have watched that one or not!


I especially like when the Bridezilla ones are on so I can point out that I am not as crazy as some people.... and the Fabulous Weddings so I can point out that we aren't spending THAT much. :)

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haha, when we first got engaged and FI had a random day off but I didn't, he called me at work at like 2 in the afternoon telling me he just watched one of those wedding shows and he was going to check out another one that just came on, then he proceeded to update me via blackberry messenger of how horrible the brides on the show were haha

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OOoooooooooohhhh yeah. We had that happen too. With Married Away, Bridezilla, the one about dress shopping, and others. Luckily we have 2 DVR's. The one in our bedroom is for his stuff and the one in the living room is for mine. I try to keep up on them so he doesn't think that I am tooooooo obsessed with them! LOL

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