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Ya know, I couldn't even tell you the favors at the last 8 or so weddings that Matt and I went ot last year. I hate to say that, b/c I am totally making my favors and going to be putting alot of effort into them, but people hardly notice them! I didn't even reember until we were home that I forgot to grab mine for all the weddings we went to last year! (Mighta been the over-indulgence in the drinky-drinks though)

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abbie, i have to tell you i can def. sympathize on this issue. jose tells me to do whatever i want, but then when i do, he bitches about it and says he doesnt like it.


we got into a fight last night because he said his opinion never matters and that our wedding is turning into everything i want and nothing he wants. which i think is BS, but whatever. he doesnt do anything for the wedding planning, and i am so irritated that when he DOES take two seconds to interject, it often completely derails what we already agreed upon.


like yesterday he was mad that i said i didnt want his stupid friends making mix cds for our wedding reception. i dont have the same taste in music, and dont like many of the things his stoner friends would choose. sorry, not letting his idiot friends do the music.


he's mad that all i seem to talk about is wedding stuff --- im sorry our wedding is 6 months away we dont have a lot of time to plan and we need to do things like order invitations and pick bridesmaid dresses NOW because these things take time to order! then he tells me also last night that he plays peacemaker between me and his mom because apparently, his mom disagrees with like all of my choices, but just dumps that on him and never mentioned it to me, and he never told me because he didnt want me to be confrontational with his mom. at this point im sorry we ever agreed to let his parents pay for the wedding. he is so stressed out because he hears about wedding shit from his mom because she calls him multiple times per day at work, and then he hears it from me at home. i agreed to not talk about wedding today because its his birthday. but he just sent me a freaking IM at work that the stupid priest in mexico told his mom that he never received anything from our church here in Chicago that we started all of our preparations, so he sent me a message saying "deal with it" --- girl_werewolf.gif as for favors, forget us ever agreeing on them.

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In the grand scheme of things, a favor is such a small detail of your overall experience and it's likely that many of your guests won't even end up going home with them (I had to chase people down the next day to try to pass ours out) or notice many of the details about them. I think the fact that your guy actually thought this over and specifically asked you to be in charge of it is so very sweet and shows that he really cares and wants to contribute something of his own to your day. I say embrace it, let him do it, and be proud of whatever he does.

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That is cute Doug wants to help out. But I definitely understand your pain! Brian was the same way, so I told him to figure out our honeymoon and boy did he take that on. It was so cute to watch. Anyhow, back to you and the favors...I need to think a bit, I will get back to you though.

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Maura, your in a tough spot with his mom. Fi has been really good, the one time his family members tried to interject with my plans, he put them in their place and let them know "It's Danielle's Wedding". I was so proud of him, of course he took it a bit too far... It's your wedding and you can't help but have certain ideas of how you want things to be. It sucks when other people tell you they don't like your ideas. What do they know anyway! ITS YOUR WEDDING!!!


As for the Doug favor situation, that's great that he wants to help out. I know when derek wants to help out I cringe a little but his help has actually been really good! Shockingly so. hopefully Doug's help will be great too! For favors, i'm giving out photo albums so people can put their vacation photos in them. I think that for the first page, i'm going to put a photo of the two of us and a note thanking the guests for coming. I don't have as many people as you going so i'm doing an album for each guest. But when we were expecting more guests, i was going to do an album per couple.


I never realized that you were kind of screwing music artists out of money when you got songs of itunes. I thought as long as you were paying that .99 per 10 songs they were getting a cut from that. Oh well, no offense to Doug, but i'm still going to burn CDs for my OOT bags. sorry doug!

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Abbie- what about what Maria said? Can Doug record his own music? That would be cool! People might love that.

I am sorry girls but I am taking the easy road; no favors for me, just OOT bags. My wedding is at 4 and then pics and then dinner. I don't want to have to worry about where the favors are and when they will get there!

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