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Married or going to be married at Grand Palladium Punta Cana?

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DEH....thanks for the reply! My FI keeps telling me that I worry too much about pleasing everyone else and I need to stop that and worry about myself! I just already feel frustrated with people and I JUST sent out the invites!!


Sorry to hear you got burned with the free trip/TA. We did go with a group rate (another issue with some people) but so far I really like my TA. So I am hoping things keep going well as we start booking more and more people.


BUT....I am so happy to hear the wedding went well!! Will you be posting pics??


Finding this board was one of the best things though!! It helps to talk to other people who have gone through the same thing!!!!

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Amen about ignoring other people - so far we have had 8 people make excuses to not come and then go on other trips to punta cana -- yeah that's right, not even another location (same one!!!!!!!). We've also had people book and then have to back out (4 to be exact). I would not do the group booking again, but that's because my travel agent has caused me the MOST stress of all -- I won't even get into that topic.

If I could do it all over again, I would only ask parents, siblings and a few select friends. Too many heartbreaks throughout the process by trying to extend the invitation to others...

wow, sorry to sound negative, but that's been a sore subject for me.


Tracy -- ummmm...how did you lose your wedding underwear? hahahahaaha

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That was our biggest problem all the way up until 3 days before we left was our guest and getting them to book, we decided to forego the TA since they wanted to much and wanted a deposit right away... like I said some guest made it a last min thing.

DEH83 is so right. Don't stress yourself over other people, I know millions of people will tell you the most important people to be there are you and the FI. It's a lot easier said then done. Our first week was filled with little drama here, drama there. I spent the entire first week literally attending to our 25 guest. Some were a blast and some others was a hassle. I have to agree I truly know my true friends, the ones who attended and didn't. Put our relationships to the true test.

I kept saying to myself too if I could re do it, I'd not invite certain people.. We did invite people not expecting them to come which was great to us, but in the end did come. So do invite the people you really really want to be there.


Sungoddes, We had the same issue, one of DH friend said he'd make it, but then moved it with his gf, and she wanted a family vacation, so went to Punta Cana months before us, then got back and sent in their RSVP card (4 months late) with a big NO!

F**k 'em is what I've got to say.. they are not friends!!

We even had 1 person (who in an unstable relationship with her HUSBAND) say she wasn't come, oh wait she is coming with her DH, or wait she isn't coming with him but alone, or wait she is coming with him, or wait she's coming with her mom now (that was for a year, all the way leading up to 3 days before my departure date)


OMG my underwear, shoe and camera story!! I'll come back in a few and let you all know my hilarious sad story lol

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hahahaah I can't wait.


Our travel agent is doing it for free since it's my FI's friends mom, otherwise I wouldn't be using one.


What kind of drama did you deal with? Did you really have to tend to those guests, I guess I have it in my head that everyone will want to do their own thing, and I keep wondering why my mom is stressed about having to entertain everyone. So I'd love to hear how it went and what you had to do (entertaining, or feeling like you had to)


haha this is from me, the girl who swears she will be in the pool up until an hour before the ceremony! lol..am I in for a rude awakening?

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Originally Posted by sungoddess_08 View Post
hahahaah I can't wait.

Our travel agent is doing it for free since it's my FI's friends mom, otherwise I wouldn't be using one.

What kind of drama did you deal with? Did you really have to tend to those guests, I guess I have it in my head that everyone will want to do their own thing, and I keep wondering why my mom is stressed about having to entertain everyone. So I'd love to hear how it went and what you had to do (entertaining, or feeling like you had to)

haha this is from me, the girl who swears she will be in the pool up until an hour before the ceremony! lol..am I in for a rude awakening?
amazing, things for free is always great, especially if something goes wrong they are there to deal with it (TA's)

At the same time, yes a lot of people did do their own thing, I had a few single guest but even they ended up being friends with other friends of mine and just kept them busy. It was mostly dinner time where it got confusing, one night you might get half your guest, so you'll feel like you should do dinner with the other half.. then some people want to go watch 1 show, while others are still waiting to eat dinner, or so people want to go do something else.... get my point?! lol

LOL we sound a lot alike... I too believed (even on Monday night wedding on tuesday) that'd I'd be at the beach in the morning. But I woke up sooo emotional I didn't want to do anything. I chillded in my room for awhile,my mom and i wen to lunch which I did't even eat, then went to do my hair and it was time to get ready..so probably not. But if you do get the chance to go in before your ceremony, have a swim for me lol

One of my BM is a wild girl, most of the days/night she was MIA. Including my wedding day until 3 (Thank god our time change to 6)
I guess I had a little resemt to it, and might have been a little 'attitudy' and she got sensitive over it, I made her cry!!! I felt horrible but she said she was there for me, all I kept thinking was if your there for me you wouldn't be MIA with 'boys'
She was there 2 days before I arrived, so when I got there in front of my 'church' family said 'guess what, I meant there hot guys, you just have to meet them' both me and my cousin at the same time said I didn't care, after all I'm here to get married!!!
But after our 'talk' she was good. Perfect BM at our wedding. I've got to accept she's younger then me, and not me after all (since I was her age when I was with DH, settled down and all)

My mom doesn't forgive certain things my MOH did to me when we were teenages (long story),My mom wore her feelings on her sleeve that week..... everything was fine until the day after the wedding. MOH's boyfriend was our BM... during our ceremony the girls wer on my side in the gazebo but further back, BM was on Mike's side also further back... during the ceremony Carolina ask the BM to move closer to Mike. Since then anyone trying to take a pic of us got the BM too. So my mom went to him the nex day and was a little 'bitchy' and ask why he was so close (she should have come talkto me firs). MOH having issues with her mother in law (treats her like shit, name calling the whole 9 yards) clearly has some anger problems. Also just not wanting to deal with that on your vacation was pissed. So now I was stuck in the middle of my mom and best friend. MOH even said to me if my mom was going to dinner with us they wouldn't come.
But I had a chat with my mom, it was ok after that...they didn't talk to each other but with so many other guest they didn't have too.

The girl who I was saying wasn't coming, coming, not.. well came and pissed she wasn't a BM!!!!!! on my wedding night when I was going around the table to say my thank you's she even said she was so glad because I was stressing the girls out that day (which I never did.. I swear they'll say it themselves) it was actually a very relaxing day (the MOH and BM called her crazy lol) Who does that!!!
then when I got back home she said I didn't thank her and her mom right...
I think what she meant was I said a small thank you to the guest for coming and how I felt we were so blessed to have all of our guest there,ect.. BM's for helping me through my stresses blah blah, said thanks to my parents , DH parents and had a speech for Mike. She said I didn't mention her. But I went around the table and peronally thanked her and everyone else (thats how I got the whole thing about how happy she was she wasn't a BM)

I mean it's not like the drama was every second of every day. it wasn't.. and still had a blast. But def could have avoided any of that crap.

Pheww!! that was long... I'll let you read that and come back for lost of things story cause thats also long lol!!! I've always got a story it seems!!
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Wow!!! that is not cool -- on everyone's part (but yours and your mom). Anyone who didn't book until 3 days before, has no say in how you do things and shouldn't comment on you being stressed (even if you were).

Bridesmaids are a pain lol..I'm over it. But I completely agree with you being upset that she was on the man hunt -- not appropriate for the event!! That sucks about your MOH though, and your mom-- some feelings never die I guess.!


Wow, I guess I should expect more drama -- well at least prepare because it's bound to happen with so many different people who don't know each other. I'm not close to FI's family at all, so that should be interesting. They don't like me because we moved in together before marriage, lol...

anyways, I'm sure I will be the same on the day of the wedding -- a bundle of nerves. I hope I can eat though!!!! I'll need to

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Originally Posted by sheila2011 View Post
I too am loving reading all of your wedding stories!!! Makes me so happy that we picked the Grand Palladium Resort!!

Thanks for the info about the beach party too....that was also something i was wondering about! I think we may do the gazebo for the ceremony (FI wants that and I think it looks pretty nice too!), dinner somewhere and then the beach party.

Although I gotta admit my biggest issue right now is dealing with my potential guests. We sent the invites out already thinking that would give people time to save and while I have gotten some excited feedback, I keep getting the negative stuff too. Like the cost, deposit, time of year and why are we going away. Did you girls run into the same thing?
Hi Sheila,

Yes, I can relate somewhat to your dilemma with potential guests. Although pretty well everyone is excited that we chose a destination wedding, we are getting lots of "feedback" (let's just call it that out of politeness) on resort, price, time of year, etc. Of course, we want as many to come as possible so we're trying to make arrangements that we feel will appeal to the majority of friends and family. However...my motto regarding wedding planning has lately become "ya can't please everyone." At the end of the day, it's YOUR and your FI's day, everyone else can have their own turn at some other point and do something different if they choose. And some people just like to complain for the sake of complaining and don't even really care at all. Do what makes you happy and it'll fall into place. Goodluck :)

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carribeanLover I can't believe you had all that drama! That's awful!! I also can't believe she waited until 3 days before the wedding to book and THEN was insulted she wasn't a bridesmaid! Wow!! (Side note...I can't use the abbreviation BM cause I use it all the time at work to mean bowel movement...stupid work! wink.gif )


sungoddess Here I thought I would lounge around at the beach all the time too! I never thought about entertaining people. Sigh. How many do you have coming? You must be getting excited!! Almost there!!!!


Shan (richardsb) That's exactly what is happening! "Feedback." Sigh. I have started saying "we understand that not everyone can come, but this has always been my dream." I need to be tougher and not worry what what everyone thinks! I am soooo glad to hear I am not the only one going through this!!


Total vent....two weeks ago it was 24 degrees here. Today I spent over an hour shoveling snow off the driveway. Stupid Edmonton weather!!!! End Rant.

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lol oh Edmonton!!!! that sucks sad.gif

I probabaly still will be lounging in the pool!! haha knowing me = then I'll jump out in a panic and run around like a chicken with my head cut off (haha story of my life)


SIDE NOTE - and very needed rant. I just finished grad school for teachers college, so now I have two degrees (Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Education) SO I am desperate for a job because schools don't hire until the summer for next year, so I've been applying everywhere. I put out this ad for child care, and a lady contacted me saying she has two kids and pays well above average and needs child care for the summer. I was like...cool, I'll hang out with them, do crafts/activities, take them to tbe beach etc...it'd be a fun, laid back job. So we just spoke on the phone and she told me she pays 1600 TOTAL for the whole summer....UMMMMM once I got off the phone with her FI figured it out and it works out to 4.80/hour. ARE YOU KIDDING ME>!>!?!?!!>!>!>!>~>!!>!> that is soo not above average, the least I've made is 13.00 for the same thing. Ridiculous.

I just emailed her and bailed. I'm 24 and have two degrees, she needs to hire a 12 year old girl to do that crap! lol


rant over...thanks. lol FML.

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WOW!!!! I've been away for a couple of days and you girls go crazy with the posts!! I've been sick all week and ended up in emergency all day Monday. Like all damn day, we got there at 3pm and they didn't take me in until 9pm, didn't see the doctor until 10!! LLOOVVVEEE our health care system!!!!!!!!!


Sooo sorry to all you girls with the crazy losing thing stories!!! rings?? wow!! Tracy....Underwarehuh.gif bahahahaha Nicee!!!!!


To the new girls to the thread, welcome to the most amazing bunch of girls!! and a FAB resort when your time comes!!

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