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Married or going to be married at Grand Palladium Punta Cana?

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Originally Posted by MilitaryMrs.s-to be View Post
Your picking your menu already?? I didn't do that. But then again thats just one more thing to worry about while I'm trying to get ready to leave so maybe I will just wait until I get there. Plus, I love Mike to death but he is driving me crazy, he doesn't give any input into anything, its always "Whatever you want babe" ugghhhhh........Just say YES OR NO!! lol
Well, I kinda of ask Carolina if I could fly in on Saturday as suppose to the legal time 3 days before, she was fine with that, but I said I'd already have my menu picked so it wouldn't take as many meetings with her.she said ok.. But I can't figured it out until she shows me the options lol so I jsut have to wait. So don't worry you don't have to pick it now
OMH My Mike is doing the same thing, we are totally butting heads right now!!
Same same thing 'whatever you want babe'
Or even worse, I found out 12 more people are coming, and all he can say is 'how much more is it going to cost us' GEEZ!!!! I told him to be happy people feel we are important enough to come down, where as his own friends don't. Not even 1, they are all my friends!!!

Originally Posted by beachbum View Post
Tracy, you're right, i'm there starting the 11th. And, thanks for making me not feel as bad about the raisin bread and girl scout cookies i had!
Great, glad I got it right,
Phew!!! I'm not alone!!!! lol Girl scout cookies.. those are soo darn good!!!!!

Originally Posted by [email protected] View Post
I arrive on the 15 aswell, around the same time... we are flying in SunWing from Toronto, although my FI and I leave on the 29 (our guests all fly back on the 22). Where do you fly in from? Maybe we will be on the same shuttle : )
Perfect, got your date down.

Originally Posted by sungoddess_08 View Post
I had girl guide cookies today too!! ahhhh -- lol, a little 3.5 year old girl was "selling" them. How can you resist?!?
LOL!!!! and how couldyou resist the cookies!!
Too funny, you deseves it any how don't worry!
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well I have to be good, food wise....I'm running a 30K in Hamilton this weekend....after that, I'm ordering a large meat lovers pizza and wings and a 6 pack of beer and having it all in one sitting!!!!....lol I'm freaking dying here!!!!!

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Hi everyone!


I arrive on April 13th around 9pm, so quite a late arrival. We plan on checking in, setting our bags down in our room and then heading down to the nearest pub and celebrating our first night in D.R.! Can't wait to meet you all!

You guys seem so much more organized than me...I'm stressing out about the music/DJ, the table decorations etc. Not sure if candles will be provided by the hotel? When I email Carolina she responds but forgets to answer most of my questions haha She also has not been able to confirm where our private reception will be held because she said there are 2 other receptions that night and where we end up will depend on the number of guests. Very frustrating because in normal life I'm quite a control freak and it's hard to just have so many loose ends. She did confirm that we will have a 3pm ceremony so at least I know that much =)

Good news though, the OOT bags are almost done, I've decided to make a Punta Cana commemorative CD (is that how you spell it? haha) and have asked all my guest to provide me with some of their favorite songs so I will soon be working on piecing that all together.

Agh,sorry to rant on and on! Thanks for listening tho, I needed this! haha

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You arrive on the 13th? Come on down to the disco, we'll be partying it up there, Tracy and I get married that day! Woot! I think I read that it opens at 11?? Which makes sense thats when all the other resorts discos opened that I've been to.


All the table centerpieces and stuff, I'm not going to bring down, I pack way to heavy for that, I think I'm up to 9 new bathing suits and were only there for 7 days. And I pack my outfits like that too, so I'm not going to bother to bring anything down for the tables.


I'm having my AHR 6 days after we get home and HOLY STRESSFUL that is. I want to scream with the amount of crap I've been doing for that, I haven't really even had time to sit and think about the wedding itself because we have to have EVERYTHING done for the AHR before we leave cause theres not enough time to do anything when we get back.....uughhhhhh.................I could cry, I want to go on vacation.......

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Originally Posted by MilitaryMrs.s-to be View Post
You arrive on the 13th? Come on down to the disco, we'll be partying it up there, Tracy and I get married that day! Woot! I think I read that it opens at 11?? Which makes sense thats when all the other resorts discos opened that I've been to.

All the table centerpieces and stuff, I'm not going to bring down, I pack way to heavy for that, I think I'm up to 9 new bathing suits and were only there for 7 days. And I pack my outfits like that too, so I'm not going to bother to bring anything down for the tables.

I'm having my AHR 6 days after we get home and HOLY STRESSFUL that is. I want to scream with the amount of crap I've been doing for that, I haven't really even had time to sit and think about the wedding itself because we have to have EVERYTHING done for the AHR before we leave cause theres not enough time to do anything when we get back.....uughhhhhh.................I could cry, I want to go on vacation.......
Hang in there kiddo! It's coming fast (oh that's the problem, I forgot!)
We have absolutely nothing done for our AHR. But then again we are only planning it for June so once we get back, we will have to boot it on the plans. On a lovely note, we wanted to have it here at home because we have a huge yard but our lovely little country hick town is putting in city water which means they are digging up our street and the lawn over the next few months. They already have all the pylons out on the street and little flags all over the lawn for hydro, etc. Our luck we won't have any indoor plumbing for the AHR! I don't wanna think about it.. la la la.... happy thoughts.

I am bringing small candles and decor for the tables so when we all get together you can decide if you would like to use whatever is not destroyed at my wedding! I don't think its too rough a crowd (except for Doug's hockey buddies) so we should be okay.

I am still printing the welcome book... I want all the guests pics in there so I am trying to put that together today... thats my plan anyhow! Later gals! Less than 2 weeks... mama! friday.gif
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Hey Military MTB, I feel your pain with the AHR. It was stressing me out so much that my FI and I decided to postpone it for now, and when we come back we'll decide if we're going to have one at all. We moved into a new house in January and I lost my job 2 weeks later so money is tight right now. I start an amazing new job on Monday so we'll be back on our feet in no time, but all our money has gone to the house and Punta Cana trip and Honeymoon so we don't have extra cash for an after party. My mom seems to think we'll make the money back from the guests but I don't want to count on that. We have a beautiful home and would have the party here and we got a local caterer who can feed the party for about $1000 but still, it's a lot of stress! It seems that between the Engagement Party, Wedding Shower, Stagette and Wedding the planning has been endless! Even though my friends and family planned most of the events (minus the wedding) of course because I'm a control freak I was still very involved in all the details. I swear, my mother has been driving me crazy but god love her, she's so excited about the trip she's calling me 5 times a day to chat about it. I just don't have the time! haha

Military, I think you've got the right idea about the table decor, I don't think I'll bother. I may at most buy some tea ligh holders and tea lights but that's all I think. I'm handing out the OOT bags at the airport since most of the guests are flying together on the Tuesday - that way I don't have to pack them.

OMG - 18 more days! Holy crap! haha

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Good luck with the book, I know you can get it done!!! I'm sure it's going to look amazing. What a great idea, but I wont start any new projects now. As I found out 12 more ppl are coming, so now I have to make their OOT bags!!! lots of works, plus everything else that is left.



Originally Posted by shankd View Post
well I have to be good, food wise....I'm running a 30K in Hamilton this weekend....after that, I'm ordering a large meat lovers pizza and wings and a 6 pack of beer and having it all in one sitting!!!!....lol I'm freaking dying here!!!!!
Really!!! so close to the wedding GOOD for you, admire you 1000%!!!! I could never/would never do anything like that. I hope you have fun!!!

LOL mmmm... pizza and wings!!!! (Not a fan of beer.. too my yest for me)

Let us know how it goes, def interested!!!

I know once we get to the resort, I'll be picking out for 2 weeks, hard core lol!!


Originally Posted by MilitaryMrs.s-to be View Post
You arrive on the 13th? Come on down to the disco, we'll be partying it up there, Tracy and I get married that day! Woot! I think I read that it opens at 11?? Which makes sense thats when all the other resorts discos opened that I've been to.


All the table centerpieces and stuff, I'm not going to bring down, I pack way to heavy for that, I think I'm up to 9 new bathing suits and were only there for 7 days. And I pack my outfits like that too, so I'm not going to bother to bring anything down for the tables.


I'm having my AHR 6 days after we get home and HOLY STRESSFUL that is. I want to scream with the amount of crap I've been doing for that, I haven't really even had time to sit and think about the wedding itself because we have to have EVERYTHING done for the AHR before we leave cause theres not enough time to do anything when we get back.....uughhhhhh.................I could cry, I want to go on vacation.......

Yes you'll def have to meet us at the disco. Courtney my beach party finishes at 11 and the disco opesn at 11:15..gives me enough time to walk over there. 9 bathing suits!! lol oh man you sound like me so much... I also over pack, more like 20 outfits for 7 days, but I can't do that this time. As I do have OOT bags, and I am bring centerpieces with candles around them and candle holders.

Hey who ever can find tea light holders, let me know... cause I looked forever, seems like they don't sell them anymore!!! ?


OMG girl, your also planning AHR!!! your insane!!!!! We're only having it in July, so we still have time to plan, or even decide not to have it. Like Carrie, I don't work and money is tight. So we are def trying to get out of it, but if we do have it, it'll be a cheap affair (legion, cheap caterer, no favours, ok maybe mints) I can't even think about it, so good for you!!! totally admire you for having the courage to pull it off. Has Mke been home lately then?


Carrie, your starting a new job before you leave for your wedding? Another girl I totally admire!!!! I wouldn't even dare think about starting a new job this close to the wedding.

WHat's the new job?

You know what, I much rather a beautiful house, then a party that cost $1000 any day. So you guys made the perfect decision.

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Hey Tracy! Tell me about it! A new job right before the wedding is a lot to take in, but I didn't really want to push it and ask them if I could start after the wedding. I'm sure it'll just be 2 weeks of training which won't be too grueling hopefully. We will definitely try to hit the disco the night we arrive...will all you be there in your wedding gowns? If so at least I can introduce myself and know who you guys are! haha Will be a blast! I will miss your meeting on the 11th but maybe we can all meet for a bevy on the 14th or 15th?

Ohhh! And my wedding theme is starfish and I found amazing silver starfish at Bouclair that I'm going to put on the dinner tables, so if anyone wants to use them after the 16th just let me know. I'll take a picture and post it here. I've also added starfish wine bottle toppers and starfish silver bookmarks to the OOT bags so I'm excited to have found the ones from Bouclair. They are lightweight also which is great.

Sooo wish me luck ladies, I'm going to get my hair coloured and cut today so hopefully nothing goes terribly wrong! I figured I'd do it now so that I'll have a few weeks to get used to the cut and can go back for a mini trim right before I leave if I need to. I was toying with the idea of getting some blond highlights (my hair is very dark brown) but I think I'll just stick to my normal colour just in case the blond goes green or something crazy! I might just go blond when I get back though!

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don't worry you haven't missed anything yet, we haven't confirmed a date for a meet and greet. I am trying to see if we can do it when we are all there, no one misses out.

Yes I think Country too and I will be in our dresses at the disco, so you'll know who to come up to!! lol It's going to be so so much fun, looking forward to meeting ya!


wow, thats amazing!! so happy you were able to stick with the star fish theme, I don't really have a theme lol.


Let us know how the hair went today,

I was also thinking of dying, but then said I don't ever dye my hair, I don't want to do it now and then it gets screwed up.

I still need to go for a hair cut, I guess I'll do that Monday!

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Originally Posted by [email protected] View Post
I arrive on the 15 aswell, around the same time... we are flying in SunWing from Toronto, although my FI and I leave on the 29 (our guests all fly back on the 22). Where do you fly in from? Maybe we will be on the same shuttle : )
I'm flying in from Montreal with Air Transat, my flight is landing in Punta Cana at 11h15 am :)
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