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registry on shower invites

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My usher is making shower invites for the shower she and my bridesmaids are throwing and wants to know if I want where I'm registered put on the invitations. Is that something people do, or is it inappropriate? I didn't do it for my sister's invites (which I made for her shower)...

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IMHO, i think its kinda tacky to put registry stuff on invitations... people always find out by word of mouth. if they want to know where you're registered, they'll call the shower host or BMs or your mom/FMIL. so make sure they all know where you're registered.


**clarification-- i think its ok to put enclosures with the shower invite. or if you arent involved in sending out the invites for your shower in any way, then its ok to put it on the actual invite.


you could also have them put on the shower invite the link to your wedding website so people will find the registry on their own. that way it doesnt look like you're soliciting gifts.


we got invited to a wedding in mexico for some random friend of FI's that we arent close with, and the couple included a small enclosure about gift registry and it actually had their freakin bank account numbers because they wanted cash gifts. we didnt go to the wedding and needless to say we also didnt send a gift because the bank account #s was such a turnoff.

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Originally Posted by mauraw View Post
we got invited to a wedding in mexico for some random friend of FI's that we arent close with, and the couple included a small enclosure about gift registry and it actually had their freakin bank account numbers because they wanted cash gifts. we didnt go to the wedding and needless to say we also didnt send a gift because the bank account #s was such a turnoff.
wow. i can't believe someone would do that!
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Originally Posted by mauraw View Post
we got invited to a wedding in mexico for some random friend of FI's that we arent close with, and the couple included a small enclosure about gift registry and it actually had their freakin bank account numbers because they wanted cash gifts. we didnt go to the wedding and needless to say we also didnt send a gift because the bank account #s was such a turnoff.
WOW! Now THAT is tacky!
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Originally Posted by Lizz View Post
I know for my bridal shower, my BMs are putting the little cards that the stores give you in the invitations. For a shower, I don't think it's inappropriate because (even though you don't want to "expect" it) people bring gifts.
right, and it's not YOU sending the invites. that's why they give you those cute little registry cards - or at least some places, like Macy's, does anyway
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