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Pushy FSIL


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That's pretty bad. She probably thinks she was doing you a favor by letting her daughter be your flower girl without you even asking!


Some people are too much! Hopefully she didn't mention it to her daughter but if she did, maybe you could tell her how you aren't having flower girls because it's a nontraditional wedding. But maybe you could ask her to be your special helper and give her a small job like handing out programs.

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bI think your easy/safe response would be "that would be perfect and if we were having flower girls, they would definitely be the only ones I would ask. But we aren't having flower girls, so at least you won't have to worry about any extra expense."


That is great advice Tami. I hate when people pull that crap! We've been together for almost 6 years and have always talked about a DW. People could have started saving 3-4 years ago, or a year ago when we got engaged! I never asked, nor would I , someone to sell their posessions to come to my wedding, so don't imply it!


My stepmom was saying the same things, pretty much word for word. But she did call last night to say that she realized that it was my day and she wouldn't mind if I had pictures made with my parents together!


I've decided that most people nowdays are just crazy!

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dont you love also how people JUST HAVE to act like youre putting them out and they have to go through all the hardships to make it to your wedding? wtf is with that... if you cant afford it, dont come, and if you are saying you have to sell your things just to come to my wedding to make me feel guilty, it aint happenin. if they really want to be there and its important to them, they wont tell you the sacrifices they have to make to come!

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