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red face when exercising

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AH! me too! I'm so nervous for my wedding because my face just gets SO red!!! I hate it! And I sweat... oh do I sweat!

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Originally Posted by LALA View Post
I get the same thing - red and splotchy. Plus I sweat like a big ol' hog. No wonder I never got hit on at a gym in my single days.
haha...sounds like me. My face always gets red when I workout and people used to question me about it as well....what do they think we are doing in the gym anyway...something relaxing?
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Yea... I'm totally in the red face club. People think after I work out that I've really WORKED out and went crazy. NO its just me being normally me. I also have normally low blood pressure.


I have really fair skin and can see the veins in my arms... translucent really... Can't get a tan for the life of me. DH hubby makes fun of me all the time but hey, when ever someone has to take my blood they don't have to poke around for it..lol! (my way of trying to keep the glass half full).

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My doc said I have rosacea. It gets better from time to time, but winter is horrible for my skin! I am not very pale but I get red face working out, drinks, heat, dry and cold weather too.


I will try the Clinique Redness Products!!! thank you for sharing..

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I also get really red in the face when working out. My chest also gets really red when working out, nervous, or have been drinking. I always wondered if I was the only one because people have already made fun of me for it. I have sensitive skin so thats what I always thought it was.

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