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Hi, Girls!


I am placing the order for my invites and was wondering ... should I have an RSVP postcard or one with a separate envelope. I will save about $40 if I get the postcard - but didn't know if the separate envelope would look better.


All the invite stuff is new to me. And ... do your guests really notice/care if it is a postcard v. separate envelope?


See ... these are the kinds of details that I become obsessed with and it drives me nuts! :-)


Thanks in advance for your input!



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I vote for a postcard, too. For one thing, its less hassle for your guests - don't have to put it in an envelope, get a papercut on their tongue licking it, etc.


And its easier for you - you don't have to open envelopes, you just flip it over.


And besides, its a DW - how perfect is the postcard-style RSVP?

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