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The DiscountMugs Arrived!!!

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Thank you girls so much for the information provided previously to this company.


I placed our order January 10 for 36 mugs. I uploaded artwork supplied by my daughter which she made exactly to the specifications on their website. I checked a box to say I would like to see a proof ahead of time, but never did get it.


I received a confirmation of my order the same evening showing a total of $219.19 (US$) which included the charge for uploading artwork and shipping charges - no free shipping to Canada.


On January 23 I arrived home to a notice from USPS saying that they had tried to deliver a package but no one was home and they would come back. I also needed to pay a $60.27 'brokerage' fee. The USPS guy came back yesterday, I paid my money, and got two big boxes.


All together the mugs cost me $290 (CD$) and I actually got 40 mugs.


But they are absolutely terrific! The logo is printed on both sides (as requested). They are really hard to photograph and I'm a novice at this so hopefully this works and you can all see what they look like.


Again thank you all so much for all the help and advice!


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Originally Posted by cheese_diva View Post
Oh wow! Those turned out great.. are you using that design on other items too?.. it's really nice. Your guests are going to love them.
Yes, we are using the design for other things and I've posted some of the items in another thread. Also using it in various forms for name tags that are still in production :)
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Originally Posted by jmhein View Post
Those look great! I ordered mine from discountmugs as well and also had to pay the darn Customs brokerage fee - my charge was $80! sad.gif But I still feel I got a really good deal and am really happy with my mugs! :)
Yeah it sucks. But I figured I'd have to pay something and was prepared. I could not find anywhere in Canada to get them for a small quantity.

I'm / we're extremely happy with them.
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