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Hey! Thanks for website! We are both actually fanatic NC State University (we are both alumni) fans... Enough to where I'm insisting on having our fight song somewhere on the wedding playlist.... So, this might be weird-but I bought a NCSU garter from this website-- it is really cute in "real life" -it came in, but our camera is out of batteries for me to take a picture but the pix online isn't bad...This might be a fun idea for any girls--- if they or their FI is a huge sports fan- suprise him with his fav team-- better chance the groomsmen/guys might jump for it- hehe :)


Here's my garter


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Here's website....

North Carolina State Wedding Garter NCSU Wolfpack

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  • 5 weeks later...

I just got my garter that i purchased on ebay and I HIGHLY recommend this lady. Her and I emailed back and forth a few times and she was as sweet as could be. My FI is from Maryland and is an obnoxiously huge Redskins fan so I am going to surprise him with this. If anyone is interested, her ebay store is arabian_jewelsandthings (weird name but great products!) I really wish that I could buy more but that might look weird under my gown!

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