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Help...I can't find out anywhere!

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Requesting help from all you brides,


I am trying to find out if it is 'legal' to use shortened names during your vows.


i.e. My partners name on his birth certificate is David, and mine is Amanda, however we are known as Dave and Mandie.


Do we have to use David and Amanda or can we use Dave and Mandie during the ceremony?


A bit of a weird question but I cant find the answer anywhere.


Please help.



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i would guess that its probably fine to use your shortened names during your vows so long as your legal document has your proper, legal names, but yes definitely talk to your WC about that.

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Thank you for all your replies.

I will contact Esther WC and ask her.

As Maura says, if full name is on documents it should be okay.

I'm sure others have come across this problem as lots of people have shortened names, especially in the UK.


Thanks again, and if anyone knows any rules on this before I can contact WC, please let me know.


p.s. When I find out, I will post and let you all know.

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