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Ikea hearts as party favors

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Boy, I think I’m in trouble, I haven’t really given much thought to OOT bags or party favors. But while visiting Ikea last weekend I noticed that they had these cute paper marche (sp?) hearts with potpourri inside (in their Christmas goods section). The hearts are about 3 inches wide and come in white, silver or gold and best of all, they are only $0.99 and super light. Also Ikea has a good selection of gold leaf and silver leaf candles (about 3 inches wide and 6 inches tall). It’s hard to describe, but they could work as centerpieces. Just thought I’d share since you guys are so helpful.

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Those sound nice. IKEA is great for that sort of thing! Try and post a couple of pics.

I would try just going to IKEA website.... bring up the picture..... right click on it.....and scroll down to COPY....come over to the BDW forum.....and paste it on to this forum...


For Example:

Click the image to open in full size.


I enlarged the image on IKEA's website than right clicked and copied! Good luck!

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