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Beach wedding questions

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I am getting married at the Gran Porto Real. They said the ceremony would be on the public beach, and I had a few reservations about that. Yea, I guess I am alright with all the other people out there, especially if they can be photoshopped out of the pictures!

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there really isnt anything that cant be done with photoshop if you are skilled enough . here is a sample of a before and after where i removed the mother of the bride because i found it distracting. so someon on the beach is no problem wink.gif


SORRY if it is a larger image and it makes you have to scroll over. i know they are tryign to restrict that but i want you to be able to see the detail.


Click the image to open in full size.

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I noticed that you said you are getting married in Playa del Carmen. Did you find a place with a good beach? My fiance and I were looking at getting married there for our March '08 wedding but decided against it after extensive research on the beach conditions. We found recent pictures that showed many beaches still in very poor condition from the hurricanes. Some beaches were OK, but we decided not to gamble. Our wedding is in Puerto Vallarta!!!


As far as the lookers, I suppose it depends what kind of person you are. I love attention! The more people that want to watch me get married and see me in my gown the better! I have a gorgeous gown that I paid a lot of money for, and I hate that only 10 guests are going to see me in it, so I think it's great that the other people see me - as long as there respectful of course.

And as has been said, a good photographer can ensure no pictures are ruined by speedo boy.

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I was in la Playa last year and saw a beautiful wedding on the beach. I think it really depends on where the resort is. The beach is long and if it's toward the outer egde, it will be fine, but closer to the center (where the main road to town is), there would be people everywhere. But I agree w/ the others, you most likely won't notice and there's always photoshop! It will definitely be hot at 2pm though, I'd go for a later time.

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My cousin told me the that the only advice he could pass on to me (he was married in the Mayan Rivieria) was that I need to rope off an area where the wedding was. It didn't have to be big but something to define the wedding area in some way. At his wedding the guests all stood and resort guests joined the group. People in bathing suits actually stood in with, and in some instances in front of, the invited guest. Most of the non proffessional pics have a 5 year old kid eating ice cream in a bathing suit right beside my cousin and his bride!

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I also got married on the beach. Seriously "most" normal people realize its your wedding and private. Noone came into my pictures. I didn't notice anyone I was busy. wink.gif hahah. There were a few caught in the camera but they were edited out. But if somone had come in i would of gone bridezilla on them hahah. If you're worried I would talk to your WC about enlisting some guys on staff. It wasn't a big deal to me though.

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