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Need Help - What to call it - Rehearsal Dinner or Welcome Dinner or something else...

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here is the issue...we are having an actual rehearsal the day before the wedding, we are following it with a rehearsal dinner and are hosting all of our guests for this rehearsal dinner. we are thinking maybe we should call it something else since not everyone is invtied to the actual rehearsal. we don't want to call it a welcome dinner b/c we are hosting a welcome to molokai event on wednesday night when everyone arrives.


any ideas on what to call it or how to make it clear that everyone is invited?


thanks girls! :)grouphug.gif

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i was in a wedding that all the out of town guests were invited to the rehearsal dinner, but not the actual rehearsal. the schedule had the rehearsal (wedding party only) and rehearsal dinner (all out of town guests welcome) on it so there was no confusion.

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I think calling it a rehearsal dinner is just fine. I think most people understand the logistics as far as the actual rehearsal is for those in the wedding and the dinner is for all of those from out of town (or in our cases, everyone,ha). But a flyer with the details would be nice either before everyone leaves for the occasion or upon their arrival.

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You can still call it a Rehearsal Dinner.


We are doing pretty much the same thing -- but we are asking for people to respond if they want to attend b/c we don't anyone to feel obligated to spend their free vacation time with us if they'd rather just chill and enjoy the resort. Plus, we have to have a set menu and tell them how many people will be attending. But we are calling it a Rehearsal Dinner.

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  • 2 years later...

I like this idea and it helped answer my question of how to have a rehearsal and rehearsal dinner without offending guests.

Originally Posted by Maura View Post

i was in a wedding that all the out of town guests were invited to the rehearsal dinner, but not the actual rehearsal. the schedule had the rehearsal (wedding party only) and rehearsal dinner (all out of town guests welcome) on it so there was no confusion.

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