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I'ts official - We are so engaged!!!

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So here goes...


My FI has been planning "family day" for about a month now. He wanted to take me and my kids to Jillians. He arrives this morning about 7:00am and takes a nap. In the meantime, I go ahead with the usual Saturday morning rituals which includes taking the girls to dance, etc. Well, this morning, I took my adult neice with us as well. While dropping her off, my daughter ask her if she is coming to Jillians with us. She stated maybe, just call. Now this is when it raised a red flag. I asked her what made her invite my neice, she told me my FI told her to invite her and my sister. O'k now the cat is out the bag. Let me back up a minute. I was cranky the whole day. So when I come home, I was fussing with my FI asking him why he invited everyone to "family day". He just made up some lame story to get me off his back.


Now we get to Jillians, and who walks in--- my adopted mother. That's when he gets down on one knee and ask me to marry him. Everyone in the place was clapping and it was pretty emotional. Needless to say, I quickly checked my attitude and we had a wonderful evening.


I don't know how to post the pics of the ring: If someone can tell me I would love to share..cheer2.gif

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The easiest way to post pictures of the ring is to create a photobucket.com account. Upload your photo there and then copy the IMG code and paste it into the thread! I hope it works, I can't wait to see!



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