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Do You Eat Breakfast?


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here are my 3 quick and easy healthy breakfasts:

  • 1 nonfat plain yogurt (i do stonyfield farm organic), i put in 1 TBS raisins, 1TBS sliced raw almonds, 1/4 cup frozen wild bluberries and 1 tsp of FlaxSeed Oil. If you like sweet, you can put in 1 packet of Stevia (all natural sweetener) or Splenda if you use that. have this with a piece of toast and some tea or coffee and you will be good for a couple of hours.
  • do you have a crockpot or slow cooker? if so, every sunday night you can cook a couple cups of steel cut oats, i put water, 1 or 2 cinnamon sticks, some frozen strawberries or blueberries and a touch of honey. when it is done, portion it out and you will have breakfast ready to pop in the microwave for the week
  • this is my favorite and REALLY EASY. take a soup or cereal bowl and spray with olive oil spray or PAM. put some frozen spinach and if you have any fresh herbs maybe some of those (i usually keep dill in the fridge for this breakfast). pour in about 1/2 Cup of Egg Whites Only (i buy this at Trader Joe's but most Supermarkets carry it). sprinkle a little bit of yellow curry powder (this gives the egg whites a little kick and makes them look yellow like regular eggs!) and then microwave for 3 minutes. have this with a piece of toast and you are good to go :)
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i'm not a huge breakfast eater either. well, i lke breakfast foods, but not right when i wake up. the pregnancy has changed that a little - i need to eat a little sooner after waking up now.


anyway ...when at home i usually have cereal, oatmeal, yogurt, fruit, etc. i love the eggs, bacon, pancakes too - but we don't have a kitchen right now! lol and breakfast is one meal that's easier for me to eat healthier - so i try, especially now. i've been making this fruit (blueberries, raspberries, etc.), yogurt, and granola parait thing - yum! but not if you don't like yogurt! often i just add grape nuts or granola to yogurt - maybe taht would help? what about peanut butter toast?


on the road i've been having a bagel w/cream cheese, OJ, fruit, etc.

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I keep a loaf of light whole wheat bread in our fridge at work and a jar or reduced fat peanut butter. When I get to work I pop a slice in the toaster and spread on about a half a tablespoon of p.b. Goes great with coffee.

That's only 2 weight watchers points!


Then about mid morning I eat a small banana.


If I have time in the morning I do the Egg Beater (egg white) burrito, with about 1/4 cup egg (that I cook in the mic in a Pam coated bowl), a little reduced fat shredded cheese and lots of salsa.

I discovered that Cruz makes a low carb, high fiber tortilla that tastes great. 14 grams of fiber! For those of you that do WW.

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I have bot been a goof breakfast eater either, but I am working on it. The best thing you can have for breakfast is oatmeal and a couple of egg whites. I have a delicioud oatmeal recipe. I will look around for it and post it later today. It takes about 20 minutes to cook, but I am sure you could just make extra and reheat it.

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Most mornings I eat Kashi cereal, right now I have the heart to heart one and I just finished a box of I don't remember the name, but it had blueberry granola chunks and flakes, it was really good. I really like the Kashi go lean crunch too, it has tons of protein and fiber, but my stomach doesn't handle it well, I get horrific stomach cramps when I eat it, so be careful if you try that one.


I love the have fruit with yogurt. I buy the columbo fat free vanilla yogurt and I buy either fresh strawberries and blueberries or frozen ones. I actually really like the frozen ones, because they make the yogurt really cold and its almost like eating frozen yogurt, this breakfast always keeps me full for a long time.


Today I had extra time because hailey had a 2 hour delay because of the weather, so I made one piece of toast, 1 egg, and added 1 slice of cheese for a little egg sandwich. It was 6 WW points. If you buy the light bread then you could have two pieces of bread, but I didn't have any in the house.


I also love oatmeal, but haven't bought any in awhile.


what about just a piece of fruit, if you're really not a breakfast person or a protein bar?


I love the peanut butter balance bars, they taste like the middle of a peanut butter cup!

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oh one more thing!


I signed up on the hungry girl website to get the daily email tips, which I absolutely LOVE BTW, well she talks about the Vita Tops & Vita muffins, they make a bunch of different stuff, but they look really good, most of them are only 1 or 2 points on WW, and they have tons of fiber. They sell them at a lot of grocery stores or you can order online. I haven't tried them yet, but plan to soon, I really want to try the chocolate ones!

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I eat as soon as I wake up, I'm always starving. Since I'm a vegetarian, I have to make sure I get protein in almost every meal. My usual breakfast is a Zone Perfect Chocolate Caramel Cluster bar (they are the only protein bars I really love). If I have more time, I'll microwave a Boca Breakfast Wrap, they're delicious! Both are about 200 calories, 6 grams of fat, and I think 15 grams of protein.

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