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Do You Eat Breakfast?


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So my trainer has gotten on me about not eating breakfast.


Yes, I KNOW it's the most important meal of the day, blah, blah, blah ... but I am always either running late or just don't think about it.


If I do eat breakfast -- I like scrambled eggs w/ cheese and a double order of hashbrowns -- scattered, smothered and covered from Waffle House. I know -- but I LOVE Waffle House!


Anyway ... moving on ... I am trying to be good and eat a healthy breakfast these days so that all this working out isn't all for naught.


So, my trainer suggested yogurt, so I got some Activia. God, I HATE yogurt. I am gagging trying to get this crap down.


I got some smoothies too, but really don't like milky stuff very much, and milk doesn't settle well with me anyway.


So, I'm looking for suggestions of some tasty, healty, easy breakfast foods.


I know fruit and granola bars, stuff like that. But help me find some things that I will be likely to eat ... and that aren't time consuming to make.

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I totally want the waffle house breakfast you just described. I'm sitting here drinking my yogurt smoothie wanting WAFFLE HOUSE!


I got now suggestions for ya, i eat lowfat yogurt and ready to eat cut up apples EVERY day. Every once in a while i'll eat eggs on wheat toast. Whoopie! I hope someone has a good suggestion.

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Well I work weird hours but when I worked normal hours, breakfast was usually toast and tea, maybe some scrambled eggs or egg whites if I was feeling spiffy.


Eating a big breakfast makes me sleepy again....although God bless that waffle house you mentioned, I don't know what scattered, smothered, and covered hash browns are but I need them! Mmmmmmmm

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