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Makeup for groom??

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Guys! Don't be afraid.. Just a little to makeup looks so good and will be better for the photography cheesy.gif  They always look their best in Hollywood :)


Seriously, I've done a few makeup sessions for guys, just very very light base if any at all, curl eyelashes :)  YEP.  perhaps some plucking any wild hairs.



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I am pretty sure that I am going to book a "spa day" for my FI right before we leave for JA.  I love him and would never tell him this, but he could use a good facial and some trimming of the nose hairs.  And there are many guys out there that need to get rid of their unibrow, too.

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That's a great idea! Sometimes it is all they need! cheesy.gif


Originally Posted by weddingaway View Post

I am pretty sure that I am going to book a "spa day" for my FI right before we leave for JA.  I love him and would never tell him this, but he could use a good facial and some trimming of the nose hairs.  And there are many guys out there that need to get rid of their unibrow, too.


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