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Amy and Hanssel's Story

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Since I knew that he had the ring for sometime now, I constantly teased him about proposing. Earlier in the week, I had a feeling he was going to propose but I knew he was going to speak with my parents first. They did such a good job of hiding this that I was quite disapointed when he picked me up on Saturday and I really thought that we were going to his Christmas party. Hans said he wanted to take me to dinner before the party (which is not a shock because he always does this). I kept checking his pockets and joking around. He kept denying it and by the end of the night I really thought that he was not going to propose. Then the waiter came around with the dessert menu and suggested a dessert. I said no and ordered a different one. I joked around again saying "did you ask them to put the ring in the dessert?" Then the waiter came with 2 plates and said here's what you orderd and here's a special one!Click the image to open in full size.


Then I asked him if there was actually a christmas party and he said yes. So we went to this hawaiian lounge where he suprised me with an engagement party! Our friends and some family were there! Everyone had none about this for sometime (at least three weeks!).


I still cannot believe he pulled it off!

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Amy that's so awesome I'm glad it all worked out, CONGRATS!!!!!! YAY!!!!


how did the party go?


isn't it funny how we girls always push the topic about getting engaged and all and than get all dissapointed when it doesnt happen at the time we want it 2 and work ourselves up about it

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Thanks edyta!


Its funny because getting more and more upset! My birthday passed in Nov, I thought he would do it then. Then thanksgiving. I told him his time was running up because I was only giving him untill the end of the year!


But he was still able to suprise me!

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So awesome. My husband did a similar thing - he had organized a surprise birthday party for me (my birthday was several days earlier, but it was mid-week, sooo) and then he surprised all our guests by telling them that he had asked me to marry him earlier that day. We waited until someone spotted the ring before telling them, though. It was SO fun!


What a thoughtful man you have to have wanted to put together this really special memory for the two of you and your whole family.

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Originally Posted by NATASHA View Post
So awesome. My husband did a similar thing - he had organized a surprise birthday party for me (my birthday was several days earlier, but it was mid-week, sooo) and then he surprised all our guests by telling them that he had asked me to marry him earlier that day. We waited until someone spotted the ring before telling them, though. It was SO fun!

What a thoughtful man you have to have wanted to put together this really special memory for the two of you and your whole family.

natasha, i love your enw sig...i love seeing all your Mrs. stick around so i can see the pretty pics in your sigs!
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Amy, thanks for the referal to the website. I find it so funny we are both having destination weddings. Now we will have great stories for our 10 year reunion (which is way too close).

Congrats again!!! I am so happy for you and what a great guy for all the work he put into the proposal-that's how it should be.

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