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How fast can we newbies reach 150????!!

Miss J

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This is just a very random thread. Hoping any newbies like myself want to discuss everything and anyting. Wedding related or not!

Might help us reach the magic number a bit faster. Any takers???

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2nd day of Sunshine here, and believe me its long over due! I should really go out and wash the windows, but since it ALWAYS start to rain after all my windows are clean, I will leave it for another day when I am not so starved of some sunshine. 


Hoping all you future brides have a lovely day!

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Even though I am not a newbie, I figured I would hope on over and help you out!


I was out cleaning my balcony yesterday myself! Over the winter, there ended up being sooooo much sludge and gross dirt on our railing, so I was sitting out there, wiping them all down with a bowl and magic eraser! haha Only got about half of them done.... and the windows are my mission for this weekend!


We have HUGE windows that face out to Lake Ontario and we can see the Toronto skyline, so it's a view worth seeing, but it's terrifying standing on a chair outside wiping them all down when I am 10 stories up, so I only like to do it when someone is home---- because you know, logic says if something were to happen, my FI would be able to sprint from the living room, out the door and catch me if I start to fall over the railing (that is actually about 2 feet behind me).


Damn fear of heights- makes no sense to me!

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It's going to take me forever lol.


I'm having a lazy day, letting the kids watch cartoons while I play on my computer and drink coffee.


Jenny2014 you're braver than I am! When we lived on the 12th floor I wouldn't go any farther than the door, even though we had a huge balcony.

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Originally Posted by StephLB View Post


It's going to take me forever lol.


I'm having a lazy day, letting the kids watch cartoons while I play on my computer and drink coffee.


Jenny2014 you're braver than I am! When we lived on the 12th floor I wouldn't go any farther than the door, even though we had a huge balcony.


It really won't..... took me about a week of consistently posting about 10 to two times a day! And sometimes you just end up chatting asnd before you know it, you hit 25 in a day!



I love sitting out there, and even standing up to the railing, but I do have moments, when I am walking and my feet get unsteady or something and it's a mini heart attack every time haha.


I also freak out about our cat- he can be out there, sitting on a chair, but once he starts looking around too much, or see's a bug, it's into the house!

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Oh I'm with you on the cat. Our cats were banned from the balcony after they insisted they needed to walk the railing. We set up a cat tree in front of the window for them instead and they just had to deal with it. Now that we have a townhouse, I let our kitty out on the deck to chase bugs, and he loves it.


I'm usually a forum junkie, but there aren't a lot of people getting married in Florida, and less outside the keys so there aren't really any chat threads for me lol. I have a year and a half before mmy wedding though, so lots of time to get to templates!

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Yeah, luckily Bowzer hasn't wanted to do that yet. He is terrified of the height- when we pick him up and hold him near the railing, he freezes, or turns around and grabs onto our shoulders/around our neck. It's cute.


But instincts are there, and if a bird were to land and fly away quickly, we know he would launch himself after it, forgetting where he was. So when they start to show, in he goes!



I am sure you will find support and ideas to incorporate into your wedding here! So many ideas :D


I can't believe how much closer my wedding is now... I rememeber telling FI we had been engaged for 6 months already, and now it's past that, and we are coming up to the time when summer is just going to FLY by and suddenly, it will be a year away! And then even less.... and then everything will pick up super fast! I can't believe we have been engaged for over 8 months already.... it is crazy!

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Originally Posted by StephLB View Post


Oh I'm with you on the cat. Our cats were banned from the balcony after they insisted they needed to walk the railing. We set up a cat tree in front of the window for them instead and they just had to deal with it. Now that we have a townhouse, I let our kitty out on the deck to chase bugs, and he loves it.


I'm usually a forum junkie, but there aren't a lot of people getting married in Florida, and less outside the keys so there aren't really any chat threads for me lol. I have a year and a half before mmy wedding though, so lots of time to get to templates!


and I miss our townhouse :(


We lived in one while at university, and I miss it terribly! It was our first place together and we lived there for 4 years.... and as much as we love our apartment, and love that it is JUST us.... the space and price we had in London was just incredible versus what we are paying and how little space we have now that we moved back to Mississauga.

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My first house was in London, I loved it a lot, the prices were quite a bit lower than the KW area as well, it's crazy... We're actually moving to a new townhouse here in a couple of months, it's a bit bigger, and in a better school district. I kind of miss living in an apartment but I can't live without a backyard for my kids again, it's such a lifesaver for lazy days.


It's nice to hear somebody being responsible with their cat! So many people think that cats just know better, but that is not my experience with cats at all.


I've found tons of helpful information here already! Although... That's why I spend all my time on here reading and not typing lol.


We've been engaged since December, and we're only just now starting to plan, January 2015 seems so far away.

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