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What is Your Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed and Something Blue?

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Are you planning to have something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue at your wedding? What are your ideas for each? We've all seen and loved some of the typical items like garters, underwear, bouquets with photo charms, etc. but we'd love to hear/see what BDW brides have planned! I'll get it started with a couple inspiration pics but please chime in with examples from your wedding!






Source: The Garter Girl

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I am not sure about my borrowed, but here is the rest:

Something Old:

I do not have a picture, but I have 2. My grandfather passed away last summer, and he and my grandma were married 66 years at that point. I am going to have copy of their wedding picture on a charm in or around my bouquet.

My other one is a purse my grandma gave me when she was cleaning out her closets. It is from one of their anniversaries - she thinks the 10th. It is a fabulous little white clutch COVERED in beading. And talk about vintage! This is not it; but it is a similar one I found on etsy.



My grandma also gave me the artificial flowers from her own wedding that sat in rings on top of vases and candle holders. I am intending on using a couple blossoms in my garter.


Something New: My dress! My jewelry... pretty much everything!


Something Blue: Blue is one of our colours. There is a blue centre in my hair flower, and my shoes are also very blue.




SO... any ideas on a great "something borrowed"?

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Originally Posted by Peach View Post


I am not sure about my borrowed, but here is the rest:

Something Old:

I do not have a picture, but I have 2. My grandfather passed away last summer, and he and my grandma were married 66 years at that point. I am going to have copy of their wedding picture on a charm in or around my bouquet.

My other one is a purse my grandma gave me when she was cleaning out her closets. It is from one of their anniversaries - she thinks the 10th. It is a fabulous little white clutch COVERED in beading. And talk about vintage! This is not it; but it is a similar one I found on etsy.


My grandma also gave me the artificial flowers from her own wedding that sat in rings on top of vases and candle holders. I am intending on using a couple blossoms in my garter.


Something New: My dress! My jewelry... pretty much everything!


Something Blue: Blue is one of our colours. There is a blue centre in my hair flower, and my shoes are also very blue.



SO... any ideas on a great "something borrowed"?


Wow! All of these are great and I love how special the clutch, photo, and garter flowers are!

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I love the idea of this, though i'm not quite sure what i'd use......Maybe a picture in a charm of my parents and grandparents wedding pictures like posted above for something old...


Something new:



Something Blue:


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I def want to do this tradition! I still need my something old and something borrowed, but my something blue is my shoes


and my something new will be my dress


need some help with the others!!!

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Something Old: I wore a ring from my great-grandmother

Something New: My wedding dress

Something Borrowed: I borrowed my mom's garter from her wedding day - so special!

Something Blue: My 'Something Old' and 'Something Borrowed' both had blue in them :)

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I love this tradition! It's so funny, I didn't mean for it to work out this way- but my entire something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue are in my bouquet. I feel like brides can incorporate the tradition quite easily nowadays. My groom is even in on the fun! Blue is our wedding colors and we have 3 hues in our palette. Originally I wanted blue shoes but fell in love with a pair of ivory shoes that match my dress. My groom has a blue suit and under the collar of the jacket he is having our names and wedding date threaded in. My friend has a custom suit business and she is designing the suit for him so its also like his something new. 


My friend offered to lend me her wedding shoes as my something borrowed which was a sweet gesture, but I ended up not liking her shoes. Here's what I settled on:



My grandfather passed away when I was in HS and we were really close. My grandmother was at my proposal, but passed this past September. To honor both of them, their wedding picture will be my something old. I am attaching it in a little frame and having it pinned to my bouquet. I love, love, love this picture of them. 




My jewelry bouquet is my something new. My mom made it. It isn't finished- just in the preliminary stages. She is adding ribbons and a few more jewelry pieces. Initially the bouquet was my something borrowed- at my bridal shower I was going to ask each guest to bring a brooch, but I ended up not having a bridal shower in exchange for an AHR, so these brooches are all new. She added white hydrangeas as a base because my dress is blingy and I didn't want the bouquet to be all bling. For my something borrowed I was thinking of just borrowing a piece of jewelry from my mother to add to the bouquet or to wear- although I'm not 100 % certain of that. I think the borrow element is the most difficult! haha




I completed my sacraments as an adult with my fiance. We took the classes together. As a gift- my godparents bought me this rosary. Since it marks the beginning of my religious journey- and marriage is a sacrament, I am wrapping it around the base of my bouquet to be my something  blue.






Originally Posted by Peach View Post

I am not sure about my borrowed, but here is the rest:

Something Old:

I do not have a picture, but I have 2. My grandfather passed away last summer, and he and my grandma were married 66 years at that point. I am going to have copy of their wedding picture on a charm in or around my bouquet.

My other one is a purse my grandma gave me when she was cleaning out her closets. It is from one of their anniversaries - she thinks the 10th. It is a fabulous little white clutch COVERED in beading. And talk about vintage! This is not it; but it is a similar one I found on etsy.



My grandma also gave me the artificial flowers from her own wedding that sat in rings on top of vases and candle holders. I am intending on using a couple blossoms in my garter.


Something New: My dress! My jewelry... pretty much everything!


Something Blue: Blue is one of our colours. There is a blue centre in my hair flower, and my shoes are also very blue.




SO... any ideas on a great "something borrowed"?


Hey Peach! We have a similar idea of our something old! And something blue- since its both of our wedding colors!

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Originally Posted by EVKnowsitall View Post


I love this tradition! It's so funny, I didn't mean for it to work out this way- but my entire something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue are in my bouquet. I feel like brides can incorporate the tradition quite easily nowadays. My groom is even in on the fun! Blue is our wedding colors and we have 3 hues in our palette. Originally I wanted blue shoes but fell in love with a pair of ivory shoes that match my dress. My groom has a blue suit and under the collar of the jacket he is having our names and wedding date threaded in. My friend has a custom suit business and she is designing the suit for him so its also like his something new. 


My friend offered to lend me her wedding shoes as my something borrowed which was a sweet gesture, but I ended up not liking her shoes. Here's what I settled on:



My grandfather passed away when I was in HS and we were really close. My grandmother was at my proposal, but passed this past September. To honor both of them, their wedding picture will be my something old. I am attaching it in a little frame and having it pinned to my bouquet. I love, love, love this picture of them. 




My jewelry bouquet is my something new. My mom made it. It isn't finished- just in the preliminary stages. She is adding ribbons and a few more jewelry pieces. Initially the bouquet was my something borrowed- at my bridal shower I was going to ask each guest to bring a brooch, but I ended up not having a bridal shower in exchange for an AHR, so these brooches are all new. She added white hydrangeas as a base because my dress is blingy and I didn't want the bouquet to be all bling. For my something borrowed I was thinking of just borrowing a piece of jewelry from my mother to add to the bouquet or to wear- although I'm not 100 % certain of that. I think the borrow element is the most difficult! haha




I completed my sacraments as an adult with my fiance. We took the classes together. As a gift- my godparents bought me this rosary. Since it marks the beginning of my religious journey- and marriage is a sacrament, I am wrapping it around the base of my bouquet to be my something  blue.







Hey Peach! We have a similar idea of our something old! And something blue- since its both of our wedding colors!


Yes we sure do! I agree - the borrow item IS the most difficult!

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