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How to remind guests to book their room

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We had our lovely engagement party and made save the date cards that were tied around a clear mini glass bottle with sand and shells in it we also sent out the save the dates to people who didn't come to the engagement party. Our STD had of course the date, our wedding website address and where it will be. I noticed that not only guests not going on the wedding website (reason why I know is because guests that I talk to are clueless to what to do and where to go online). I have emailed the guests and linked the site into the email and even facebook messaged guests and linked the wedding website into the message so it is pretty easy to just click and go to the website. But still people are asking questions as if don't know who to contact, and what to do. Our website is through mywedding.com and is so simple to navigate that its impossible to not know what and who to contact. I even put a news and updates page on our website and directly linked our travel agents email and phone number. I am getting pretty upset that people are being unreliable when it comes to trying to get rooms booked. I can't book people's rooms for them, this part guests have to do themselves which is the right thing to do. But, I just don;t want to be annoying and keep sending "reminders" about our wedding.


Is there any advice on how to "remind" people of our wedding and to make sure, if they are coming, that they need to book their room and make arrangements with their job too. Any advice would be great!!!!


Thanks :)

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I am no expert on this since I am struggling with the same thing. But one thing I just did was send out a group email through Mailchim.com. 


BAsically, it's a newsletter service (think email letters from your favorites stores advertising sales). It's free to use for the first 2,000 email address. So I created an email newsletter to send to all of my guests reminding them of due dates, wedding website etc. After the email is sent, it sends you a report of who has opened the email and who clicked on the links. BAsed on that list, I began personally calling the people who never opened the email or clicked the link to the wedding website. I suggest sending out the newsletter about a month before each payment due date. 


Hope that helps. But I get how frustrating the whole ordeal is. I let people know about our dw last June and the $25 per person refundable deposit. I still can't get people to put down money and it's now January. What's more frustrating is everyone says they are coming but no one is willing to do anything about it. 


But good luck. Hope you find a way that helps you. 

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Yes, I have let people know for the last year and a half. Still people are like, uh, what?


A lot of people do not give it too much thought too far ahead of the date. Most people we know are just starting to think about booking now, and we are 6 months out. It depends on the people.

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Thank you for that tip! I will check it out!


We are looking at invitation ideas, we like the passport book invitations- it really is such a great and cute idea for a destination wedding! If anyone has anyone particular sites that they suggest we are all ears!


We have our wedding website up as well for our guests, which tells everyone everything that they need to know for travel tips and passport info and where we will be holding the ceremony, times and dates. So it is pretty much spelled out for everyone, although it seems as though we still get the lagging, "where do we go for the info again" type of questions lol, but glad the wedding website is somewhat helpful. People just forget to go on it even though the wedding website address was on our STD's and sent to people's emails.


Any other advice on invitations or what everyone is planning on doing is so helpful and a great way to get ideas and have fun with all the planning! :)

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