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Expecting more than 70 guests?

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Thanks for the suggestions. I really like EDR but I believe it is adults only and we will have several children. Also, I have been to Moon Palace and it is very lovely but I am worried about the cost for all the guests (plus a friend was just married there in December). I have looked into the Rius but am waiting on a response from the WC.


We are going down for a site visit in September so I wanted to narrow down the places that we will visit since we are only there for 2 days. I am sure we will be very busy "site-seeing" so it will be weird going to Mexico knowing that there won't be any beach time! wink.gif

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We are getting married at Dreams Cancun and expecting about 100 guests (we have 90 confirmed and booked at this point). Dreams is great because it's an AI and kid-friendly, w/o being overrun by children. They have a Kid's Club that will keep them entertained all day and into the night! We love the gazebo location. And, it is less than 10 miles from the airport which really cuts down on travel time for our guests. There are several different areas where you would be able to hold your reception with 70 people (the beach, the "garden" situtated alongside the cliffs by the gazebo, the Terrace, and the indoor ballroom).

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Hi Susan,


Thanks for the suggestion of Dreams Cancun. I have been to Cancun several times and to be honest it is way too touristy for me so I didn't even consider it. But I went and looked at some pictures and read some reviews and it really sounds like something we are looking for. I guess it will have to be added to list of places we will see during our upcoming site visit.


Also, I suppose we can honeymoon in PDC or more south since that is much more our speed and then everyone will be happy!


Thanks again,


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Yup, we're still over a month away from our RSVP due date (Sept 30) and we already have 65 confirmed - we're estimating maybe close to 85 in total (we only budgeted for 60 - eek!!) We're having the ceremony at the JW Marriott, and they have said that they can handle much more than that (we're all staying at the Gran Caribe Real for the week though). We're just PRAYING that Hurricane Dean doesn't tear down our gazebo or leave a lot of damage to either resort!

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