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I totally forgot to take pictures of our welcome bags at the wedding but now that we're back from the honeymoon, I took some pics of our leftovers.




Bags from discountmugs.com - 50 for $2.99 each (+ $50 screen charge)

Plastic cups & koozies from discountfavors.com - 80 for $0.50 each and $1.99 each, respectively (+ $50 screen charge)


We printed the tags ourselves on cardstock from Target and bought ribbon from Michaels.




Stuff in our "wedding week survival kit", which was put into a plastic bag with a label

- Aloe Vera from minimus.biz - 80 for $1.41 each

- Emergen-C from Amazon.com - 80ct box for $25.95

- Advil from Amazon.com - two 50ct boxes for $12.32 each

- Pepto tablets from Amazon.com - three 48ct boxes for $16.13 total

- Shout Wipes from Amazon.com - 80ct box for $21.60

- Sunscreen from Amazon.com - three 24ct boxes for $20.99 each (+ $5.99 shipping)

- NOT SHOWN: hand sanitizer from Bath & Body Works - $0.41 each not shown


* I used Amazon a lot because I had a $100 gift card.  Otherwise, it might not have been the cheapest option.




Our wedding "facebook" - printed and bound in my mother-in-law's office 




Inside cover with a welcome letter and photo sharing info




Sample page - we had 72 guests so we made sure to get started on everyone's "profile" as soon as we knew they were coming!


All of the stuff in the bag (not including the facebook) ended up costing us about $680 total.  Each guest received one of every item except for the tote bag which was given to single guests & couples.  A lot of people used the bags and cups around the resort which was a great way to identify people - all in all, a big hit!

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Thanks ladies!  Two of my fiance's older sisters had DWs in Mexico and they both did facebooks, so that's where I got the idea.  Ours were definitely big hits and we had a lot of fun coming up with entries for people!


I got inspiration for other welcome bag stuff from this forum too so thanks to everyone here for the great ideas!

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