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The Official INSANITY Support Thread

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ok, so I thought the girls who started the P90X thread had a great idea, and I'd really like to hear from any brides doing INSANITY out there. what do you think so far? I'm only four days in but can't believe the workouts. I've been sore constantly, even after yesterday's recovery. does that eventually go away? is anyone drinking the shakeology shakes or the recovery drinks? please let me know if you're out there, and good luck! : )

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Hi! I'm on the 6th week of Insanity (week 1 of the Max workouts). I was totally sore the first week, but after that, I felt pretty good, and my muscles didn't feel like jelly. After each workout, I drink a protein shake- I add blueberries, milk, a spoonful or two of coconut milk (for the medium-chain fatty acids) or almond butter, sometimes an egg. That may sound pretty gross, but I look forward to it every day. 


I've dropped two dress sizes already! I'm totally excited about my newly sculpted arms. My fiance is doing it with me, and he looks amazing too. He's lost some weight, and gained some muscle. Since the wedding is so close (05/27/11), we are planning to do the Max workouts two times through.


The workouts are so intense, but they do good easier, and you will see improvement. Then... you start all over with the second month. You will surprise yourself at how much you can do!


Good luck! I'll keep you updated, and keep me updated with your progress!



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hey, I'm so glad you wrote. it will be interesting to see if we find any others. : ) are you following the meal plan? I thought I'd try to do it loosely because all whole grains are so ick, but I'm totally down for the sashimi and had the bagel and lox today (admittedly without scraping out the center or having the whole wheat bagel, but I did eat a thin one, at least ; ).


your shake doesn't sound bad, actually, and we've ordered samples of the shakeology one, so I'll let you know how it goes.


I'm so happy to hear about you and your fiance's progress. it makes me feel a little better already, and I think I am getting stronger. please keep me posted! : ) and congrats on all the hard work thus far.


Originally Posted by orange_peel View Post

Hi! I'm on the 6th week of Insanity (week 1 of the Max workouts). I was totally sore the first week, but after that, I felt pretty good, and my muscles didn't feel like jelly. After each workout, I drink a protein shake- I add blueberries, milk, a spoonful or two of coconut milk (for the medium-chain fatty acids) or almond butter, sometimes an egg. That may sound pretty gross, but I look forward to it every day. 


I've dropped two dress sizes already! I'm totally excited about my newly sculpted arms. My fiance is doing it with me, and he looks amazing too. He's lost some weight, and gained some muscle. Since the wedding is so close (05/27/11), we are planning to do the Max workouts two times through.


The workouts are so intense, but they do good easier, and you will see improvement. Then... you start all over with the second month. You will surprise yourself at how much you can do!


Good luck! I'll keep you updated, and keep me updated with your progress!




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OMG Im so glad you started this!! Just the other day I was scouring this site hoping to find other people who are doing it! I have just been talking about it in the weight loss for 2011 brides thread.

I am a week in, and I love it. I actually hated the cardio recovery day because I felt like I didn't do enough (although the leg work he had me do was PAINFUL!!). I think next time I might go for a run that day. Today I actually missed my workout which was supposted to be the plyometric video (killer) but I plan on doing it tomorrow for my rest day. I am definitely seeing results already...just feeling stronger and maybe even a little more toned in some areas. I'm very excited to see how I look in a few weeks!!

I do not follow the meal plan or take the shake. Personally, I'm miserable if I can't plan out my own food, so instead I havej ust been keeping track of what I eat and make sure it is within my calorie range (I use sparkpeople.com to do that).

My wedding is June so I sure hope this video works for me!!

It is DEFINITELY a plus that I just hve to turn it on and go. I'm te type of person that likes to exercise but it is SO hard for me to get the motivation to get ready, get i the car, drive to the gym, workout, drive home, etc. It takes so much less time if I do a video and Im glad to find one that actually works.

Good luck and please keep me posted how things are going for you!!! kellygrrrl it looks like we are very close to the same start time!!

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yay!! I'm so glad there are others out there. you ladies are going to keep me honest! : )


june11bride - we did start at the same time, although I'm going to cali next weekend, so I'm afraid all bets are off then. I figured I'd either start over or pick it back up after the long weekend and not have my expectations too high. for me, this is more of a prep for swimsuit season, as we're not getting married until next year, so I'm not super serious... yet. ; )


cardio recovery didn't feel like much, but next to the fitness test, I was the most sore after it. good thing I didn't do it twice (later I kept remembering those lunges and thinking differently. ; ) LOVE sparkpeople, too and agree about the time savings. I can work from home on occasion, so it's super convenient.


I'm going to pick up my dress tomorrow (1+ yr in advance ; ) and have been sore, sore so I may make it my off day. or plyo. decisions decisions. ; )


good luck - so great to hear from you and definitely want to see how it goes.

Originally Posted by june11bride View Post

OMG Im so glad you started this!! Just the other day I was scouring this site hoping to find other people who are doing it! I have just been talking about it in the weight loss for 2011 brides thread.

I am a week in, and I love it. I actually hated the cardio recovery day because I felt like I didn't do enough (although the leg work he had me do was PAINFUL!!). I think next time I might go for a run that day. Today I actually missed my workout which was supposted to be the plyometric video (killer) but I plan on doing it tomorrow for my rest day. I am definitely seeing results already...just feeling stronger and maybe even a little more toned in some areas. I'm very excited to see how I look in a few weeks!!

I do not follow the meal plan or take the shake. Personally, I'm miserable if I can't plan out my own food, so instead I havej ust been keeping track of what I eat and make sure it is within my calorie range (I use sparkpeople.com to do that).

My wedding is June so I sure hope this video works for me!!

It is DEFINITELY a plus that I just hve to turn it on and go. I'm te type of person that likes to exercise but it is SO hard for me to get the motivation to get ready, get i the car, drive to the gym, workout, drive home, etc. It takes so much less time if I do a video and Im glad to find one that actually works.

Good luck and please keep me posted how things are going for you!!! kellygrrrl it looks like we are very close to the same start time!!


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I'm thinking of starting the Insanity program, but I am wondering if I should do P90X first? I used to work out quite a bit, but haven't been consistent now for about 6 months. Do you guys think I should work my way up to Insanity? I want to lose about 15 pounds and tone my arms. Thanks!!

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It probably depends on your overall fitness as well as how much time you have. I never did P90X but I only have 2 months so I wanted to do the most intense program to get ready. However, I am not in that bad of shape, so it wasn't that bad. IF you have time you may benefit from donig P90X first to get a little bit conditioned for the type of exercises they have you doing in insanity.

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from what I understand, P90X is crafted more around strength training, whereas Insanity is all cardio. I wasn't working out consistently before starting Insanity, and though I have to make some modifications during the workouts, it's ok, and I haven't had to turn the DVD off yet. ; ) just don't let the fitness test scare you off - it's SUPER tough. the workouts are better, maybe because you can choose to do some exercises and modify others. even the people on the DVD are dropping out of the routines, so it doesn't seem to be fully do-able by anyone, at any fitness level, and I think that's what they intended. if you like cardio, I'd vote for jumping straight into Insanity and know that the muscles and endurance will follow. it has only been one week for me, and I am feeling a zillion times better and stronger. : )


if you're looking for arms, they include a separate DVD. if you did selected workouts from P90X along with the Insanity to burn any residual calories, I'd think that would be best -- only because I don't feel like Insanity does enough for the arms outside of the occasional push up sets. again, it's just the end of week one, so maybe that part is to come. orange_peel mentioned her arms were WAY in shape afterward. maybe in some of the later DVDs...?


Originally Posted by JenK View Post

I'm thinking of starting the Insanity program, but I am wondering if I should do P90X first? I used to work out quite a bit, but haven't been consistent now for about 6 months. Do you guys think I should work my way up to Insanity? I want to lose about 15 pounds and tone my arms. Thanks!!


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Hey guys am about to start insanity tomorrow, Glad to know it's working. I was suppose to start to while back but i did a preview of the fitness test and said no way. but now i am really gonna start tomorrow hope am up to the challenge.


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Thanks Kelly and June11 bride for your advice! You had made me feel better about starting it, so I am starting tomorrow!! I am glad to have this support forum! In the past, I did crossfit and bootcamp workouts, but haven't been consistent for 6 months, so hopefully I am up for the challenge!


I think I'm going to do insanity for the 60 days, and then go to a hybrid of P90X workouts for the strength and insanity for the cardio! I have 7 months until my wedding, so I want to initially lose the weight, and then add some more resistance training. I will let you guys know how tomorrow goes, I'm scared about the fit test! Subbi-let me know how it is for you too!

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